Getting The Greatest Benefit from Your Group Healing Experience:
Although I have a Hands-on and Distance Healing practice in Katonah,
this program is different!
For the past several years I had been channeling music from other realms which I recorded and made into CD’s but at that time I didn't realize that they were going to be used for this higher purpose.
Although we’re all different in many ways, deep inside we’re all the same, which made it possible to develop these group healings by addressing those issues that we all have in common.
I produced a soundtrack which allows me to work on entire groups of people while taking them through the chakras and beyond. (Which is also available on my website and sometimes for sale at the venues where the group healings are given). I composed all of the music and played all of the instruments.
IMPORTANT: The first half is meant to fully relax you, but please try and stay somewhat alert. If you fall asleep, the healing energy will go in subconsciously but you might not remember it. If you manage to stay awake you will also have the opportunity to make major decisions about your life.
If you have a specific issue going on in any part of your body, listen closely to the issues of the chakra that’s closest to that area when we get to it. It might give you insight into why they are being held there.
Please allow the music to get inside of you as each sound is meant to open the corresponding chakras as we go through them.
this program is different!
For the past several years I had been channeling music from other realms which I recorded and made into CD’s but at that time I didn't realize that they were going to be used for this higher purpose.
Although we’re all different in many ways, deep inside we’re all the same, which made it possible to develop these group healings by addressing those issues that we all have in common.
I produced a soundtrack which allows me to work on entire groups of people while taking them through the chakras and beyond. (Which is also available on my website and sometimes for sale at the venues where the group healings are given). I composed all of the music and played all of the instruments.
IMPORTANT: The first half is meant to fully relax you, but please try and stay somewhat alert. If you fall asleep, the healing energy will go in subconsciously but you might not remember it. If you manage to stay awake you will also have the opportunity to make major decisions about your life.
If you have a specific issue going on in any part of your body, listen closely to the issues of the chakra that’s closest to that area when we get to it. It might give you insight into why they are being held there.
Please allow the music to get inside of you as each sound is meant to open the corresponding chakras as we go through them.