Words people are using to describe Gene's healing sessions...
"Phenomenal" "Truly Transformational" "Miraculous!" "Extraordinary"
"The Best Experience of My Life" "Gene's The Real Thing!" "Astounding!" "Holy"
"Truly Amazing and Uplifting" "Astonishing" "Awesome!" "Changed My Life!"
"One of the Best Healers on the Planet..." "Brilliant" "Profound" "Most Reputable" "Gifted" "Kind and Loving" "Unbelievably Powerful Energy Healer!"
"Insightful" "Wonderful" "Illuminating" "Honest and Ethical"
"Magical!" "Beyond Words!" "Pure Bliss" "Fantastic!" "A Turning Point"
"Exhilarating" "A Genuine Healer" "A Divine Experience!" "Gene is Blessed"...
Scientific Testimonials from Two Highly Respected Research Scientists!
"The Genie is out of the bottle. And, yes, Gene gives you three wishes. If you are looking for a heavy duty, Industrial Strength ZPF (Zero Point Field) energy healer who can peel away your stress like an onion and leave you feeling tears of Joy, then Gene Krackehl is truly the amazing healer who delivers the goods. We bio-mechanically measured his energy fields before/after a 3-hour healing session on 5/24/04 at 2 PM. All of his fields were balanced and solid. His before-session primary composite field measured an amazing 92 feet (most enlightened people have primary fields that measure 50 feet and the average person carries an unbalanced 3 foot field). Gene’s first Chakra measured 55 feet, second 100 feet, third 170 feet, forth 197 feet, fifth 225 feet, sixth 331 feet, the seventh 418 feet. All of his fields doubled after the session, and his client’s fields doubled as well. At 5 PM, Gene’s primary field expanded to 153 feet, first Chakra 111 feet, second 202 feet, third 324 feet, fourth 431 feet, fifth 544 feet, sixth 758 feet, and the seventh 977 feet!"
--Gene C. Lavers, Ph. D. Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, former Chairperson of Biochemistry and Director of the M.S. and Ph.D Programs in Basic Medical Sciences at NYU Medical and Dental Schools in the NYU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Practitioner/Researcher of Energy Therapies. Member, International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine.
"I have studied esoteric healing techniques for over thirty years that include 12 years in Turkey (Sufi Healing), seven years in Thailand, three years in the West Indies, and 15 years in California. In my opinion, Gene Krackehl is the Best of the Best of the Best energy healers. His three-hour sessions are truly transformational…"
—Ed McClelland, M.S. Principle Engineer (Ret.), Loral Electronic Warfare Systems, Energy Therapist and Researcher, trained with Marcel Vogel, Ph.D., at the Psychic Research Institute (PRI), San Jose, CA, and with Leonard Laskow, M.D., Author of Healing with Love.
"The Genie is out of the bottle. And, yes, Gene gives you three wishes. If you are looking for a heavy duty, Industrial Strength ZPF (Zero Point Field) energy healer who can peel away your stress like an onion and leave you feeling tears of Joy, then Gene Krackehl is truly the amazing healer who delivers the goods. We bio-mechanically measured his energy fields before/after a 3-hour healing session on 5/24/04 at 2 PM. All of his fields were balanced and solid. His before-session primary composite field measured an amazing 92 feet (most enlightened people have primary fields that measure 50 feet and the average person carries an unbalanced 3 foot field). Gene’s first Chakra measured 55 feet, second 100 feet, third 170 feet, forth 197 feet, fifth 225 feet, sixth 331 feet, the seventh 418 feet. All of his fields doubled after the session, and his client’s fields doubled as well. At 5 PM, Gene’s primary field expanded to 153 feet, first Chakra 111 feet, second 202 feet, third 324 feet, fourth 431 feet, fifth 544 feet, sixth 758 feet, and the seventh 977 feet!"
--Gene C. Lavers, Ph. D. Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, former Chairperson of Biochemistry and Director of the M.S. and Ph.D Programs in Basic Medical Sciences at NYU Medical and Dental Schools in the NYU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Practitioner/Researcher of Energy Therapies. Member, International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine.
"I have studied esoteric healing techniques for over thirty years that include 12 years in Turkey (Sufi Healing), seven years in Thailand, three years in the West Indies, and 15 years in California. In my opinion, Gene Krackehl is the Best of the Best of the Best energy healers. His three-hour sessions are truly transformational…"
—Ed McClelland, M.S. Principle Engineer (Ret.), Loral Electronic Warfare Systems, Energy Therapist and Researcher, trained with Marcel Vogel, Ph.D., at the Psychic Research Institute (PRI), San Jose, CA, and with Leonard Laskow, M.D., Author of Healing with Love.
A Few More Testimonials
"...there's an extraordinary healer you should know about who lives and works in Katonah. His name is Gene Krackehl... he comes recommended by M.D.'s, psychiatrists and legions of patients... I can personally testify as to his effectiveness having observed a major breakthrough he recently made in the healing of someone near and dear to me." —Michael Millius, Bedford Record Review I am confident of Gene Krackehl's integrity. He is the real thing; an authentic healer." —MB, M.D., diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology "The doctor told me emphatically that the metastices in my liver would not go away. Three months later my liver is completely clear. I encourage anyone to include Gene Krackehl's services as part of their holistic approach to healing." —MK, Financial Analyst "Gene has changed my life in so many positive ways that there are no words that could encompass the enormity of what he has done for me. For all those who have not had an opportunity to have a session with Gene, you have no idea what you are missing." —SK, Owner of Healing Centers "Gene Krackehl is a genuine healer, who brings wisdom and love to everything he does. His words, here, convey his true interest in helping others. And as he helped me fix my broken heart, I believe his book {You Are The Healer} will assist you in doing the same for yourself and others. I personally am indebted to Gene for sharing this beautiful part of him with us." —Michael B. Finkelstein, M.D., F.A.C.P., A.B.H.M. Founder and Medical Director of the Center for Health and Healing of Northern Westchester; Chief of the Department of Integrative Medicine at Northern Westchester Hospital, Mount Kisco, New York "Gene Krackehl is the real thing – he is absolute love, clear insight, and no b.s. As a confirmed skeptic, I recommend him without reservation." —NT, Teacher "One of best healers on the planet...Thanks Gene for all that you've done for me and for all that you touch." —SB, Visionary "Gene Krackehl is a healer's healer ...so happy I know him, he is so gifted and an amazing intuitive ...if you need a tune up, do not hesitate, He is the best, I know!"—Judy Toma, Renowned Medium, Angel Therapist & Healer "I have received several healing sessions from Gene and have emerged refreshed, restored and relieved of Karma that I've come to clear in this life time. His courage, and faith in the miraculous healing energy that flows from The Creator, through him to his clients, is a gift the world sorely needs. Gene helps me live my best life and is a Healing Presence that reminds me I don't have to do this on my own. Thank you Gene!"—Deirdre Breen, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master teacher, & lecturer (taken from Facebook post) "WOW!!! That was the word I used repeatedly with my husband after seeing Gene Krackehl for an energy healing session. What a gift he is too me and I accept it with open arms. Gene provided such a loving and safe environment in which to let go of years of built up heart break, anger and fear. I've spent tremendous amounts of time and effort in many different therapies to deal with the issues and events of my past. Just when I thought I was "finished" with it all, it would creep back in one form or another; in body, mind and/or spirit. Gene saw it all, even that which I was too ashamed to put into words. He saw it, accepted it and helped me wash away the hold it had on me. Nothing was left but the "unconditional love" that filled me up and continues to do so every day and moment since. I walked out of our session so light I could barely feel my feet on the ground. I cannot thank him enough. Gene also helped me to further acknowledge my spiritual and energetic potential. Every day I have drawn from the earth's red energy and the universe's unlimited love. WOW!!!! WOW!!!! WOW!!!! I expand every day. I feel my role as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and massage/energy therapist has been enhanced exponentially. I am so glad to have met such a wonderfully brilliant gem in this vast universe. Now I know we have always known each other in one form or another. The connection to any and all beings is ever present if we open ourselves to it. Funny, the loss of connection has for many years, been one of my greatest fears. No longer." —JT, Massage Therapist “I have suffered with fatigue for several years now. It was difficult to wake up in the morning, and difficult to get through the day without lying down for an hour or more. I wanted very much to be active, but I had no energy to get anything accomplished. I sought out Gene Krackehl not knowing what to expect. I didn’t understand energy healing, but I knew it was precisely my energy that needed to be healed and conventional medicine had not been able to help me. Gene guided me through my healing session with professionalism and respect. His healing love was palpable. The next morning I awoke clear-headed at 6:45 am and sat up in bed. I felt renewed. It’s as if 1000 lbs have been taken off my shoulders. The fatigue has completely lifted and I no longer get sleepy during the day. It’s such a remarkable change, that I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it for myself. I am so very grateful to Gene.” —LL, Retailer “I first met Gene at one of his workshops back in April, 2006. Since then, I have been "re-born." With his loving, caring, compassionate, altruistic personality, and amazing and gifted healing capability, among other things, Gene was able to heal my debilitating migraine/tension headaches (that I was suffering from and had been taking enormous amounts of prescriptions drugs) since I was ten years old. I then started to see him privately. Within two months, there was a great change in me, a very positive one and everyone could see it and verbalized it. I was more energetic, lively, happy, confident and ready to take on the world. He helped me forgive my "biological father" who has passed on for many years now and I am able to pray for him and mention him as "DAD" in my prayers, after 27 years of not contacting him once when he was alive. I also had a very unhappy marriage which lasted for thirty three years, going through the same abusive relationship as I had during my childhood but unable to sever the ties due to lack of self confidence and drowning in feelings of victimization and self pity thus suffering from severe depression and several phobias. I used to shop every day, it was an addiction, if I didn't buy for myself I would buy for others. I knew I was trying to fulfill other needs.....love, any kind of love!!!! Now, I only go to the stores if I NEED anything. I would eat for comfort. I weighed 225 lbs. once. I started losing weight when Gene started working on me and now a year later, I don't diet, I have changed my eating habits, it comes naturally and I weigh 171 lbs. and have not gained a pound back. I now have a new job, my own apartment, I am free of all my phobias and I learned that I don't need to stay married in an abusive relationship but can stand on my own two feet once I possessed the self love and confidence.”—N, Medical Insurance Specialist "After repeated ultrasounds, I was told of the possible recurrence of breast cancer. I went to Gene for healing sessions which helped me tremendously both emotionally and spiritually. When I went for the medical procedure, the doctor was surprised that the tumor had changed its characteristics and no longer appeared to be cancerous. The results came back negative. I can thank Gene with words but my heart says it most sincerely. I am very grateful for all his help, love, and energy healing. I fully believe the outcome would have been different if not for Gene. He has a special gift." —MY "I do not know how I could thank Gene for the miracle that happened regarding my health crisis. The facts speak volumes because cancer does not cure itself. I had the diagnosis of Adenocarcinoma of my cervix and had the removal of a small tumor that reached within 1 mm of the lymph system. Unfortunately, my tests revealed that I had atypical glandular cells favoring neoplastic endocervical, which means that the cancer was coming back. I was really not ready to have radical surgery to treat this precancerous condition. I am glad that I spent two months getting myself mentally and physically strong for my radical hysterectomy, which included energy work with Gene. The surgery that was performed found NO cancer! I cannot thank Gene enough for his help.” —BP "I've been feeling fantastic. What did you do?! I feel opened up again, light, bright, centered, positive and joyful. My headaches, Gene, are gone. I'm glad to be alive again. You helped bring me back to life. Thank you so, so, so much. My friend is a genius for recommending you. God bless you." —KF, Graphic Designer "I recently found myself reading Gene’s book, You Are the Healer. I was pleased with the simple and compassionate approach to energy healing. He assumes nothing in his detailed instructions and his guidance would offer benefit to anyone, novice to seasoned professional. I traveled 14 hours to experience a healing with Gene. I was struck by his genuine, highly intuitive and sensitive demeanor. The session was both powerful and honoring. Within the next twenty-four hours, I realized that I had released two profound blockages, due to his gifts and talent. I was able to let go of a long standing resentment toward my father after being aware of the impact on my body during the session. Interestingly, I also released a physical blockage as a result of a childhood sexual abuse. This was a wonderful surprise as I was not aware of a memory or that anything had shifted around this issue. Now, a week from the healing, I found that I was also able to put a protection in place from any negative energy from others. This is a welcome addition to my personality and I cannot express enough the gratitude I feel for Gene. I would encourage anyone and everyone to experience the benefits that could be received from the very first visit. I am looking forward to another session in the future. Who knows what could emerge for me personally and professionally by letting go of even more? With gratitude,"—TL, (Indiana) "Indeed, I had the privilege of seeing Gene's healing in action when a group of us were filming a pilot for a potential television program called Access New Age about 5 years ago. Gene was one of the guests and he performed a heart healing on one of the co-hosts. She began to cry on the set! She said that she felt like a weight had been lifted off her heart after Gene's healing session. I think Gene is right when he says that a lot of emotional issues can stress our physical health. Thankfully Gene is there to lend a helping healing hand. Or is it hands?." —Madam Lichtenstein, Famous Astrologer "Gene Krackehl's healing power made a great impact in my life. He was able to cleanse all fears, pain, and anger which had accumulated over many years. As a result, I was finally able to proceed in life with a positive, renewed, stress free, and happy demeanor. Once limited by lower back pain, I immediately noticed its absence following the healing. For the first time, I was breathing in gulps of fresh air as if I have never experienced oxygen before. Gene's kind words and spiritual guidance are continually playing back in my mind. The best part of the energy healing experience is the unconditional compassion and love emanating from Gene himself. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with Gene Krackehl." —TA, Teacher "Of all the alternative healers that I have sought for help, only Gene Krackehl has been able to help me close the door on some emotional and physical problems that have plagued me for years. The feeling of wellbeing and lightheartedness upon leaving a session with him is truly amazing. Thank you Gene!” —IG, Interior Designer "I was diagnosed with colon cancer in Oct. 2002 which was cleaned up. In Oct 2003 I had 6 lesions on the liver. I went to Gene Krackehl and I had a very spiritual experience. I believe he was a part of my healing. I no longer have cancer on my liver. Between God, Gene and good doctors I am healed." —DM, Homemaker "I have been struggling with an irregular heartbeat, which has incapacitated me since my recent heart surgery. During a healing session with Gene Krackehl, my heart returned to its normal rhythm." —BH, Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA "Had to write to tell you, tonight I had the very best lesson I've ever had. I was free-er than I've ever been. It was the best time of my life. Thank you from all that I am. It was fabulous. I had a FABULOUS time. I can't think of a better word to discribe it. I couldn't have gotten to this place without your healing help! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am absolutely thrilled!" —RB, Dancer "Gene Krackehl’s healing gifts and warm, wise, loving insights were like nothing I’ve ever experienced before—and I have been to so many healers! In one miraculous session with Gene I released years and years of illness-inducing and poverty promoting pain, anger and fear… and replaced them all with warmth & love. I have already manifested a beautiful home—one I’ve only dreamed of, and I feel physically better than I have in sooooo long. It seems that my wealth is getting healthier ever since that life-altering session with Gene. Where there used to be pain and fear in me, I now feel love, faith and positive expectancy. I whole-heartedly recommend that you give yourself the gift of Gene and share him with everyone you love." —JG, Medical Sales "There is only one word I would use to describe Gene Krackehl – a "Miracle." If you are skeptical of energy work you will be convinced of it when you leave Gene, and the miraculous effects long after. I am honored to be a friend of Gene's." –AS, Reiki Master "Gene Krackehl is a wonderful energy healer whose energy is pure love. This unconditional love combines with the universal energy of love providing only miraculous healing. Gene is gifted with the ability to remove our energetic blockages and replace them with love. Healing is rapid and deep." –CB, Past Life Regression Therapist "After my husband's death last year, I was in such a state of despair, that I was barely alive. I came to see Gene, because I was at my wits end. It took only one session enabling me to release my unbearable grief. It freed me from anxieties and fears and brought me back to enjoy life again. Now I feel more complete than ever and I have renewed faith in the future, knowing my love is resting peacefully in heaven." —RMG, Medical Billing "I've been transformed by the good fortune of receiving a loving healing from Gene Krackehl's hands and high spirit. My mind is still filled with the encouraging words he poured into my ears." —SB, Renowned Artist "I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I heard of the ENERGY HEALING that Gene offered. After my experience which was very relaxing and proved to release some negative energy from my body... I also found that not only were the effects lasting but that my whole body and mind seemed to realign. As I would imagine a chiropractor to be for your spine – this experience was for my inner self. Gene has a gift that should be taken advantage of. I guess now I understand what he means by ENERGY HEALING.” —CLD, Manager "... in the healing session I experienced a release of several long-term emotional memories, so that I now feel more free of their binding affects." —SI, College Professor "My family and I have been going through some health issues for several years. I have been under a lot of stress with my job, my family and responsibilities from both. Through the internet I have talked to Gene about some of the issues that I have been dealing with. Gene would send healing energy to me personally, and to our family generally, from NY to Tennessee! I know the healing energy sent my way has helped in building my relationship back with my husband. I know that the healing energy Gene sent me when my body has been in pain has alleviated the pain. Gene has an amazing way with words and has given me encouragement and specific things to think about and actions to take to make and meet goals in my life." —JS, Paralegal "Gene Krackehl created a warm, accepting and loving atmosphere... has phenomenal heat energy in his hands... touched centers of deep anguish and handled them with grace." —MY, Writer "Love is the ultimate healing. Gene Krackehl moves that energy through your body removing all those 'places' that are not love... allowing your authentic self to come out and play." —SB, Therapist "...an experience without words that resulted in gentle, soft, quiet awareness." –PK, Healthcare Educator "My mother lay in a Jacksonville hospital for three months, sustained only by life support, when I had a chance conversation with Gene Krackehl. Not only had my family been told she would not recover, my brother, a physician, and I could see this for ourselves. When not fully medicated, however my mother's mind appeared in tact. She made it clear to her doctor and to us she did not wish her ventilator turned off. She was not ready to relinquish this last vestige of her life. Hearing of my mother's plight, Gene offered to send healing energy to her from Katonah, NY to Jacksonville, Fla. A skeptic by nature, I thanked Gene for his kind intentions but insisted it would have no effect. "Sometimes it helps people to get strong enough so they can accept their death more peacefully," he told me. Thus I was absolutely dumbstruck when two days later my brother called to tell me my mother was off the ventilator and breathing on her own. There followed a period of almost two weeks when we could be with her in a more humane setting. Inevitably, the life support became necessary again. But this time my mother refused it. She grew far calmer during this interval and finally slipped away in peace." —CB, Investment Counselor "I'm feeling pretty good. My feelings of fear and worry have lessened — a lot. I feel happier and like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I've also felt more motivated to promote my business."—SG "If I were to paint you a picture of my psychic life, I'd paint a picture of a rather large room, and over in one of the corners would be a pile of darkness. That pile has been there all my life. Much of the time, it sits there. But there have been times when it has grown in power and volume and threatened to overtake the room. During years in therapy, I've come to understand probably about 80% of what it contains. The remaining 20% is a mystery and I'm comfortable with it remaining a mystery. At times, this pile of darkness represents and symbolizes depression. At other times it brings fear or anxiety. It is always a presence of negative energy that torments me or brings me down. However, I'd also say that this darkness has also taught me a great deal. It has taught me how to appreciate suffering as well as being a source of suffering for me. If I'm able to work with people in their suffering, it is due in part to this presence of darkness. I use it in my poetry and my preaching. It grounds me in my wounded self, my groaning, and that is not always a bad place to be. In late February, 2007, I saw an amazing healer, Gene Krackehl, in Katonah, New York. I spent three hours with him. Now, if I were to paint you a picture of my psychic life, I would paint you a picture of a rather large room and there would be a bright light bulb hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room and there is not so much as a shadow in any of the corners. It feels like my energy level has doubled. Since I made the appointment to see Gene about six weeks ago, the following has happened: 1. I had a major psychological insight that is having a major positive impact on my relationship with my children. 2. I've written four poems. 3. I've developed new relationships with two friends that I can already tell will be deep friendships that will last for many years. 4. I wrote a statement on the environment that I presented to the Clergy Association and it has been unanimously approved. This is the first time in the state of Connecticut that a clergy association has made such a statement. 5. I presented a proposal for the top 40 leaders in CT. to hold a retreat to focus on issues of sustainability and the environment. The Board of Selectmen, the Board of Education, Planning and Zoning Commission, clergy, business leaders, presidents of conservation groups and representatives of civic groups will be invited. Private funding has been secured for the facilities and catering. The Clergy Association and the Action Committee for the Environment are now co-sponsors. 6. I was elected Vice President of the Ridgefield Action Committee for the Environment. 7. I have begun work on producing a CD that will contain eleven meditations. I've written three of them and outlined the remaining eight. 8. For years I've thought about writing a book, and in the past week I had clarity about what I wanted to do. I've begun work on a book proposal and outlined 12 chapters. 9. I've developed a proposal to lead a 10 week series on spiritual development that has been accepted by a church in Danbury and will begin in September. 10. I've had more referrals in the past six weeks than at any other period of my 30-year career. My income in March is up 75% over the same period in January. I'm doing the best work I've ever done as a psychoanalyst. 11. I've found a way to negotiate a solution to what was expected to be a lengthy and expensive lawsuit against me. 12. I had a letter to the editor and a public opinion commentary published in the local paper. 13. I've been asked to write a magazine article for a national publication. 14. I've joined a new church and already been asked to join the steering committee of the Church Council. 15. I've been asked to join the steering committee of a major regional non-profit group. 16. I've been invited to speak at two churches and invited to preach at another. 17. I spend thirty minutes quiet time each morning in meditation and I feel more energetic, more creative, more solid and more fulfilled than ever before. I cannot convey in words what happened with Gene during that healing session because I do not understand it myself. But I know that something miraculous did happen." —FHT, Clergyman and Psychotherapist "Gene is an amazing healer. After one visit my blood pressure has come down 20 points. I have visited many types of healers throughout the years but Gene Krackehl's treatment has proven to be the best."—SJ, Teacher "Thank you so much Gene! You are one of the most amazing healers I have been blessed to meet. Thanks for teaching me and supporting me and helping me become more comfortable with the ever varied expressions of energy in form. I wish you nothing less than full hearted blessings and peace."—TM, Teacher "Feeling so much better. You are a miracle worker!"—JT "Thank you for the most wonderful experience I've had in a long time. I believe our session will be a very clear memory for the rest of my life and I will try to carry out many of the words you spoke... This is very profound and I'm in awe of the power of it all. You're really amazing!"—NM "I can't wait to come back to your beautiful and powerful space. I felt so alive, my energy was flowing so vibrantly I could feel it, in fact it was so apparent to me that when my pattern of bracing against the natural flow, be it breath retention or muscle tension, I was aware that the flow of chi had changed. I was able to consciously reconnect body mind and breath and the energy flowed freely again. After all my yoga, reiki, mindfulness, a session with you cleared, clarified and illuminated my spirit so powerfully that I could see and feel my essence. What an experience. I'll be back ASAP!" —BD "I'm so fortunate to have met you. Thank you for everything. You made a difference in my life and it's greatly appreciated."—PR "Truth in advertising — you ARE, in fact, pretty stinkin' amazing!" —RM, Ph D "Since our energy healing session, I feel SO much more confident in my abilities and feel like I can take on the world! Thank you so much!" —RE "Gene is more than an amazing healer, he is an amazing person. He truly cares about the person he is healing and that makes him an even more powerful healer. I had distance healing from Gene and felt Gene’s energy the minute he started working on me. I continued feeling his energy as he worked on me over the next few days and it made me feel lighter and happier. The energy exercises he had me do were empowering. I felt like the heavy burden I have been carrying on my back was removed. I am looking forward to more sessions so I can get to the core of the onion that he is peeling away."—AC, Marketing "I'm so fortunate to have met you. You made a difference in my life and it's greatly appreciated."—PN "Ever since my healing session with you things are so much better. I am so thankful for your work and not needing to take any medication. Life has been very difficult but I am hanging strong and getting through this. Not sure I would have been able to do that without your help. You are truly amazing. I feel very grateful our paths have crossed."—GB, "The Saltana Cave experience was truly AMAZING! And I want to share...the last time I worked with you it felt like we excavated and released deep, deep stuff; maybe even from many lifetimes?!!! I'm feeling much lighter and clearer! Thank you Gene Krackehl for facilitating that!" —Rev. Wendy Ann Hrynewski (taken from Facebook post) "I wanted to let you know that the biopsy came back benign, thank God! I am so relieved and appreciate you sending me strong healing energy"—F "...my husband has noticed a difference in my mood and over all being...no words can express how amazing the [distance] healing was...the whole experience was out of this world. I cannot wait until our next session."—HW, Nurse "...Gene created incredible magic over the last few weeks..."—SR " I went to Gene Krackehl for an energy healing and experienced an amazing shift of consciousness." —TF, Psychotherapist "Gene Krackehl is my favorite, favorite energy healer, actually the first person that actually started me on my energy healing journey. Thank You!"—Minerva Santos, MD, Integrative Physician "... you healed more than just my arm without me even asking. Thank you so much for your help."—JC "YOU have certainly added years to my life, and I am very grateful."—N "...The most remarkable thing is the almost complete absence of pain in my gall bladder and kidney areas. I have had ongoing pain in these regions for years and it's hard to believe it's not there. It's amazing." —EM "I just want to thank you for the tune-up yesterday, I did not realize how much 'stuff' I needed to release and then of course - be "replenished with your loving energy" . I truly feel GREAT and hey - last night was the first night I did not wake at 3:00 am. THANK YOU GENE!!"—AM (taken from Facebook post) "I so appreciate being able to experience your amazing healing abilities & amazing it certainly was. What an infusion of love & warmth & compassion — just astounding. The shamanic journey was an added blessing — extraordinary!" —MJY, editor “Gene has given me my life back, I don't know that I would be here writing in this comment section today if it wasn't for his loving caring and powerful energy!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart today and always!”—NT "I just wanted to thank you again for all you gave of yourself and how much I was able to release in myself. I feel lighter and so much better." —HL “I wanted to write and say thank you for our session today. I came to see you from Omega Institute because we were talking about energy work there and I couldn't believe one of the world's best-known energy workers was right here within a 1 hour ride. Now that I've seen you I would have flown halfway around the world for our session. Your insight, wisdom, and obvious ability to work with energy in a miraculous way has moved me. I could not believe you were able to identify specific places of trauma, both physical and mental. I will be sure to follow this letter up with the outcome, however regardless, our meeting changed my life and for the small amount of money that you asked for the results have far exceeded expectations already. Wishing you the best, I'll be sure to tell everyone about you.”— Randy Bartlett, New Hampshire "Thank you for all your help and support this past year. Not only were the energy sessions healing (and relaxing) but the "visions" I had during them "spirit and soul opening." Memorable experiences all of them. You are a godsend. I so appreciate your commitment and compassion and am blessed to have you in my life."— M " Gene is a gifted and compassionate healer, a warm and loving human being, and a truly creative soul. It is my great pleasure to know and work with him."—Donna Baker Church, Writer/Editor “Who knew when I asked Google to find me someone to help me that she (yes - Google is a woman) would bring me to you. And then to call and be able to see you so quickly! Well, I have been fortunate enough to recognize the signs of something that I am meant to experience and I thank my higher powers for letting me experience what I did today because it was truly AMAZING! I cannot remember the last time I felt this calm and peaceful inside without an ounce of angst! What a true blessing. Thank you for sharing your book with me. You are a kind and generous man and I'm still in awe that we were able to meet and I'm very humbled by your gifts!” —Bonnie Strati, Trainer "Thank you so much, I am so sorry for bothering you. It means a lot for us. This time, the healing helped on the worst pains. The album Contact from Beyond, helps my wife sleep at night. I hope you understand that this has helped my wife more than anyone else has ever done. There are few who show so much kindness to her, as you do, sir”—HGH, Norway "...[during our distance healing] I was amazed that pain in my back and leg is gone now and that you found them without me even telling you. I had that pain for at least a year"—SV, CA “My session with gene was amazing. He is the most amazing kind-hearted genuine human I've ever met in my life. During our session I could feel negative energy leaving my body. Felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and everything I'd been worried or stressed about in life was gone. Also, I started to tear up during our session. I've never experienced the feeling of true genuine love of that magnitude. Being around Gene you feel safe and loved beyond belief. He healed the hole I've had in my heart since childhood. All the negative memories and feelings are no longer with me. One of the biggest changes since our session is that I'm more at peace and have a better understanding of myself and others around me. I accept where everyone is in their lives. Everyone is on their own path and own level of learning. Gene helped me see that in a deeper spiritual way. The best way to describe Gene is love. He is true genuine selfless love. Thank you for everything Gene, I greatly appreciate what you did for me. Will definitely be back for another session.” —Matthias Hemphill “Gene has been such a powerful influence in my life, doing sessions with him and also recommending him to my clients. I went to see Gene right after my grandmother passed away and it was a dramatic difference in my experience of grief and healing but also coming out of his sessions feeling totally like a new person on a very deep level… when he does his work I feel it so much, he has such profound healing abilities… I would drive out from California just for a session and drive back!” --Rebecca Velasquez, Holistic Psychotherapist/ Yoga & Meditation Teacher (taken from a video interview) “Grateful for your help in my life… On May 12th I had a very well attended and successful one woman show. I just want to thank you for the ways in which you helped me to achieve this success. You always encouraged me to believe in my talents. The work we did on anxiety management was very valuable. I believe in expressing gratitude to those who have added to my life in a positive way. You definitely added a lot…” --Sandra B, Celebrated Cabaret Singer, NYC “Most extraordinary experience ever!!!! Only healer that IS TRULY A HEALER!!! Amazing astounding gift!!!! Can't wait to see Gene in person!!!!”—Deborah Long, N.C. “I must tell you something Gene. I, this morning grabbed fully that you really have a Gift. It is so strong and so beautiful and yes, Magic...I felt so much love and respect for you Gene. What a beautiful person you are and so humble...If your Healing Energy can be felt that strong at distance as it is in person, then it's Who you are "The Amazing Healer". I believe Gene that my recovery took place due to your Healing session and Energy at distance. I'm so blessed to have met you, to know you and be your friend.You have touched my heart today in a great way. I find that opening my (a) heart is not that easy, it's mixed with happiness but also pain. As you know, opening a heart that has been closed to love for many years is a new experience that needs to be handled with care...and you do it so well.”—DV, Psychotherapist “It was such a rewarding and profound experience to meet with you. I’m looking forward to meeting with you again. So nearby - what a gift! In the meantime, your latest book just arrived. Ready to soar!” — L.G. "Gene Krackehl is undoubtedly an amazing healer. There are innumerable healers across the globe; some are average, some are good and some are excellent. He falls into the Excellent category. There are a few reasons for this: Gene Krackehl sir is full of unconditional love, compassion, sympathy as well as empathy. His healing works instantly and you can feel his healing energy being showered on you like a cool breeze. He is highly intuitive and that is what separates average healers from the amazing healers. He is also very kind-hearted and he listens patiently to you." --Siddhartha, India “Regardless of fighting off a cold for the last couple of days, after yesterday’s session, I slept like a baby! Universal Healing Arts past life regression took me somewhere so peaceful, I am still in awe. I am so glad I dragged my sick self out of bed and went. I needed a recharge of positive energy and the healing powers of Gene Krackehl.”—Natalie Barbee (taken from Facebook post) “If any friends in the New York area are looking to see an energy healer for physical or spiritual healing – I highly recommend Gene Krackehl. Absolutely the real deal. Changed my life.”—Libby Belling Simon "I was blessed to be able to have a one-on-one with Gene. It was truly uplifting and healing. When I left his office it was the best feeling I have ever felt in my whole life. I kept thinking "I can't believe this is how I am supposed to feel." I had no worry or fearful feelings. Also the sadness and heaviness that I had in my heart is gone."—Josie Tiberio “I have never met a healer like this in my lifetime! Have know him for almost 20 years, he is the real deal and I completely endorse him!” —Jaye Arrigenna “Thank you for everything. Thank you for waking me up. You changed my life forever in the best way possible.”—DP, Reiki-Master "Thank you for sharing your gift with me and helping me heal. It's amazing how healing energy makes all the difference... For the first time I actually feel this is the beginning of great things! I'm not afraid, I'm feeling confident."—S, CT “Thank you so much Gene. Our heart felt thanks from me and my wife. After reading your detailed email, my wife was able to connect your information with my father-in-law's present condition and most of her questions are answered too. It's god’s grace that we happened to come across your website yesterday. It makes lot of difference in our lives.”—K&D, India "That was beyond anything. Pure BLISS. —P, Ontario, Canada "I found Gene through searching on the internet for a healer. There was something that made me instinctively reach out to him and book a distance healing session and I am so glad I did. Gene is such an amazing healer and he was able to help me unblock my chakras, fix the trouble spots, shift my energy and heal me in our first session. Thank you Gene for your kindness and compassion as a healer."—KK, Dubai, UAE "My time with you was the best present to myself. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with the world!"—LH "Gene Krackehl came to me when I was in need of emotional and spiritual support, through a pamphlet I picked up at the health store. I called his number at 9:30 at night and much to my surprise his warm and caring voice answered. His unconditional love and support have been so valuable to me and I have relied on him to help me through so much emotional and daily ups and downs." —AL, President "Thank you for our session this week. It has helped me so much - physically and emotionally. All the healings have helped of course, but this was a turning point of some kind. I am much more relaxed and able to focus on what I want to happen instead of what might happen over the next several months. Thank you for reminding me of who I am and for being such an amazing friend."—D, Writer "I wanted to give you my heart felt thanks for my energy healing! You are simply incredible and wonderful! I am sooo grateful that I found/gravitated to your website. I felt absolutely that the weight of the world had been lifted! You are truly a remarkable healer and more importantly, a wonderful human being!"—S, Maryland "I feel like I did before the world became scary. Like a kid. No fears or guilt. Thank you so much... My anxiety is gone. Zero depression. Works effortless. No racing thoughts or negativity. Life is flowing effortlessly. I never ever felt so normal. You saved my life."—KH "I am so pleased to tell you the peace I have found since our work. My mom is becoming a friend and the anxiety I had around her is diminished. ...the freedom I feel and the changes our session has brought are profound. Can you help the world?"—SS "I wanted to send a note of absolute GRATITUDE & THANKFULNESS... It took me a couple of days to adjust after the healing session... I actually had to take a nap for a couple of hours. I suppose my body, mind and spirit needed to start adjusting to the healing and cleansing of all that old stale dark negative energy that has been lying dormant for so many years in my body! I felt such a feeling of lightness.... Talk about the amazing grace of spirit, the angels, higher guides and the universe. I am so blessed!!! 12 hours later that day @ 11:11pm I went through and got rid of medical paperwork I was holding onto for 7 years. I physically cleaned up the space around me and sprayed white sage throughout the house. Gene, I can't express how grateful I am to you. You're such a beautiful soul and your gift is a blessing from GOD. Thank you from the bottom of my now lighter and happier heart. I am now calmer and more relaxed." —C "Gene is an incredible healer who emits energy in such an intuitive manner filling you with clear heart and a strength of spirit. I've never experienced such a talent before. I recommend him to anyone who needs a physical, spiritual or energy healing."—Sharon Powell |
“When I left my energy healing session with Gene, I checked in with my feelings and I felt overwhelmingly full of love, acceptance and joy. I felt so happy with who I was, the journey I've been on and mistakes I've made I've come to peace with. It's been a couple of weeks and I've noticed all my relationships have changed for the better. I'm able to connect to those I love without judgement and no longer hold onto pain they may have once caused me in the past. I'm so grateful for all the love and care he has for all of us. Seeing Gene was one of the greatest things I've ever done for myself. He's brought me peace, happiness and joy in a way I can't even explain. Thank you so much Gene, I'm so grateful to have met you and to have made you a part of my journey.”
—Deanna Hayghe "I want to say thank you, for all you have done. You truly are an amazing healer. Being diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer this summer has been overwhelming for me. When I came to see you the first time, before my surgery, I thought I was imagining the whole experience - as I couldn't believe how in tune you were with what I needed. You felt where I hurt and were able to release some of my pain. Your kind words soothed me. You reminded me to relax! When I saw you weeks later while I was recovering, I was so emotionally blocked...unable to feel anything due to all the trauma I had been through. I was almost numb. It felt awful. I felt such a release of emotions within 10 minutes on that table and then throughout the next 24 hours that followed. You sensed where I was "stuck" and you literally moved me along with love and gentleness. I have been doing so well since! The energy that radiates from your hands is absolutely amazing. Love you Gene!" —Linda Silberlicht (taken from Facebook Post) "I came to see Gene on a lark after picking up his book at Touch of Sedona in Ridgefield. I had no expectations whatsoever, thinking it would be an interesting life experience even if it didn't work. It was a wonderful, profound experience for me just being with Gene, but what shocked me the next day was not only that my knee (which had suffered sharp pain for over a YEAR) no longer hurt (nor did it ever hurt again thereafter) but that there was actual physical evidence of healing on my knee in the form of a yellowish greenish bruise (not the blue-black sort of bruise you see just after an injury but the yellowish sort that appears long afterward as the healing is nearly complete). Gene had applied only the warmth of his hands and spirit to that knee and somehow he had put it aright. I took a picture of that bruise just so that I could remind myself that something real and physical had occurred, i.e., it was not just a mind-over-matter, placebo type of thing. My daughter was really amazed by Gene's touch and by his gentle, healing spirit and I think he was able to unlock hurts that she didn't even know were packed away deep inside her. I had told her she was about to meet the nicest, most loving person she was likely to meet in her whole life, and afterwards she agreed I was right (she thinks I'm given to hyperbole, but she agreed I had not overstated in his case). What I'm most indebted to Gene for, however, is his healing of my son's spleen after his snowboarding accident. That one scared me to death but it was such a comfort that he was willing to apply his magic long distance. He recovered with nothing but a small scar on the spleen and gained from the close call in terms of learning that he is not invincible, as most teenage boys believe they are." —MJ, Lawyer "Dear Gene, I spent the day yesterday writing a five-page thank you letter to you. When I talked to my daughter last night she suggested that I get it down to one page or less. Thank you for healing my broken heart with your energy. Thank you for validating my soul, my very being. It was splintered. Thank you for your "agape" God-love. Thank you for your unconditional love... My gratitude will be unending." —WMGH "Excellent! I have read a lot of books on healing. This book is exceptional! Not only is it easy to read and understand but it is also written by someone who knows of what he speaks. I had the experience of a distance healing session with Gene Krackehl this past week. He is the real deal. I have had other healing sessions but none that were as in-depth and to the point as Gene's. Besides the quality of the healing session, he is a beautiful human being - kind and caring. For anyone interested in energy healing, this book is a must. I also highly recommend a healing session. I had immediate changes." —Rose M. Kaval, Independence, Ohio "I went for an EKG after Gene worked on me and my doctor looked like he would jump for joy because the EKG was perfect! He wouldn't take me off meds and wanted to wait another month. When the next EKG was perfect a month later he took me off Coumadin and another medication. He told me that in the past I would be on Coumadin for life." —JL, Therapist "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I came to you with Lyme Disease with the physical and emotional pain connected to it. I had trouble with many daily activities like putting on a seat belt and carrying my delicious 3 year old. The morning after I saw you the pain was about 75% gone and in just 2 short weeks it has just about disappeared. I also feel lighter and freer. Thank you for changing the course of my life." —JS, Psychotherapist "Having had a very traumatic and violent childhood I worked very hard at being "normal." No matter how much success I achieved in my life I struggled with the ghosts of my past on a daily basis. It affected my relationships with other people and with myself but I could not acknowledge the pain these memories were having on my life. I never understood that I felt unlovable and unworthy of love because as I a child the people I loved the most were abusive. I was keeping very tight control on every aspect of my life trying to bury the ghosts of my past but I was not aware of what I was doing. I was in a constant state of activity never stopping to take a breath and involved in crisis after crisis to take the focus off myself. I first met Gene Krackehl while he was teaching an energy healing class and went to see him privately as an educational experience. I remember telling him I was fine, my life was fine even though I was a rubber band ready to snap. There are no words to describe what happened to me after that session. I will never be the same again. I have never known such peace and such happiness. I have never felt so relaxed and so loved. People have been telling me I look younger and keep asking me what happened. The change within me is so significant that I am still beyond being able to put it all into words. I cannot thank Gene enough for my new found freedom to be completely happy, joyous and free for the first time in my life. A true miracle." —SEK, Vice President Regional Operations "Gene Krackehl is truly a gifted energy healer! I have had arthritis since childhood. Recently I have had joint replacement surgeries and have also received physical therapy for many years. I came to Gene at the recommendation of a friend, and left with an overwhelming sense of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. But the unique outcome of Gene's healing is that this "healing" continues to grow long after his session. He unblocks and clears all "stuff," which gets in the way of our "true selves." I am still smiling a bigger smile every day I awake, and I am amazed by the lasting effects of his healing. Living life easily and loving every day has become a natural outcome of my session with him. Give yourself the gift of a session with Gene; it will unleash the "real you"! I wish you all this much happiness and love!" —PC, CtH, Certified Hypnotherapist "...injured my shoulder, had months of painful physical therapy, progress came to a stand still, even tried acupuncture, kept hearing and seeing things about energy healing, liked Gene Krackehl's style, decided to try it, within 24-48hrs after the healing, had increased range of motion in my shoulder, and was pleasantly surprised to feel a sense of improved self confidence, energy, and mental clarity." --CM, R.N. "I lost my husband 18 months ago. To say my heart was broken was putting it mildly. A part of me never wanted to be happy again. My husband was my soul mate, when he died my soul died. I cried everyday and felt empty and angry. Another part of me knew that he was at peace finally and that one day we would meet again. I wanted to celebrate him and what we had together but I couldn't the pain was too great. So, when I heard about Gene Krackehl I wanted to give him a shot at helping me. Gene not only helped me, I think he saved my sanity. When I left him I smiled like I have not smiled since July 2003 when my husband had the stroke that killed him. I smiled with joy at the happiness I knew with my husband and I was thankful I had him instead of angry that he was taken from me. The next day I woke up tired but still happy. I looked at my husband's picture and cried only now the tears were tears of happiness not sorrow. I feel lighter and at peace. Saying thank you doesn't express my gratitude. But I say it with much gratitude–Thank you Gene!!!!" —EH "My session with Gene Krackehl was one of the best experiences of my entire life. I feel like I released years worth of pain, anger, fear and grief that I was holding inside. It was such a healing experience, so full of unconditional love." –BP, former Marketing Director, now, stay-at-home-mom "since we met I have had a repeat CT scan and the disease in my lungs is gone just like that! When I saw my pulmonologist and he gave me the great news, I cried, with joy this time and he said, "We really don't see this too often. Usually the disease progresses and this is very unusual." YIPEEEE! Gene Krackehl is blessed. I can't put any other words to the kind of person he is. I found it so comfortable meeting him, like visiting an old friend." —DN, Entrepreneur "In an attempt to find balance in my life so I can live to my fullest potential, I have tried talk therapy, Rubenthal Synergy therapy and Reiki. All of these have provided some progress but I couldn't seem to hold on to a sense of balance for very long. What Gene Krackehl does not only gives me an immediate sense of being centered but allows me to sustain that feeling for a considerable amount of time. I have more energy, been more productive and better able to handle the stress that life throws at me since Gene started working with me. I don't know how he does what he does but it feels magical after all the other things I have tried, and now I am enjoying my life, pot holes and all." —MT, Actress "Gene Krackehl dissolved the emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical chains that shackled me to a less than satisfying existence. Now that I have experienced the transformational truth of unconditional love I acknowledge my life with renewed vigor, embracing every moment as a joyous occasion to celebrate who I truly am. Thanks to Gene, I fully intend to live my life the way it was meant to be lived." —MC, Writer "Gene has been truly instrumental in helping me to find a balance within myself that has freed the true essence of who I am. I am indebted to him.” —AV, Artist "I was in NY supporting a friend during a medical emergency and knew that I needed to take care of myself too. I found Gene Krackehl when I needed to the most. I called him seeking comfort and walked away from the session with a healing heart and a sense of self-confidence that I had never felt before. I too work as an Energy Healer in Georgia and my practice has just blossomed ever since. I try to see Gene every time I'm in the area now for a 'tune up' and good chat. I would recommend him to anyone looking for healing from the heart." —Beth Faber, Owner, Plum Healthy, Herbal Consultant, Energy Healer and Reiki Practioner "The quality of a healing relationship often offers more healing potential than any particular technique. My experience with Gene Krackehl has shown me how one man's ability to listen to his innate wisdom and cultivate kindness and compassion can transcend human limitations. He offered these gifts to support me in the process of learning to trust my own inner truth and to live more fully and freely." —LJ, Therapist "I'm doing fabulous! Our "energy healing" experience was the most wonderful gift I ever gave myself! (except for the birth of my beautiful daughter Suzanne)... I'd be proud if you used my entire name." —Lillian Stadmeyer "Gene is a magnificent healer! His ability to perceive and open energy is remarkable. I feel great whenever he is present." —TM, Teacher "At a time of crisis combined with unresolved disappointments and losses from my past, I was in a state of depression and fear. It was my good fortune to find Gene Krackehl and his wonderful charm and healing touch. Even from my very first contact with Gene, his supportive words and thoughts started sending me relief, hope and a feeling of calm that I very much needed. My healing session included a beautiful journey through which Gene took me from the beginning of my own existence through my childhood, back to my adult present and into a warm and soothing light. He helped me face unresolved issues in an effort to find peace and strength to confront my looming crisis. It was truly a great experience. Since my first contact and healing session with Gene, I have seen certain positive events take place that I believe are a result of his healing gift and wisdom." –JN "I came to Gene Krackehl feeling tired, defeated, and burnt out. I left feeling more alert, more alive, and more happy. Seeing Gene was the best decision of my life. After years of restricted breathing and fatigue, I now feel as energetic as I did in high school. I even breathe through my nose at night – something I haven’t done in years! The only question I had after my session with Gene was why didn’t I see him sooner? Through his hands-on healing, Gene lifted my spirit and restored my insatiable zest for life." –FK, Business Development Manager "I'm sure that Gene Krackehl's distance healing helped my mother-in-law. Her recovery, according to her doctors, was miraculous." —PA, Psychologist "Gene Krackehl is a truly gifted healer. Combining both his intuition and his wisdom he creates a very safe space for his clients. He embraces his clients in a very gentle and compassionate way. He has a unique ability to focus on an individual's needs offering them the opportunity to release limited beliefs and old patterns and replace it with pure loving energy. Working with Gene has given me the freedom to move forward in a more grounded and balanced way to create the life I truly desire. In brief, Gene is truly an amazing healer!” —SA, Life Coach "I'm so grateful for my session with Gene yesterday. I went home, rested and slept a great deal. I am smiling with my organs though and just so happy we met. Gene's book is wonderful. I finished Anatomy of the Spirit a few weeks ago and Gene's work is the next step for me. There are no coincidences in this life." —LD "This weekend, now two weeks after my session with Gene I felt a lot more at peace and happier... feel like I did release a lot more than I was aware of during our session and I am not as afraid to move forward. That day was one of the best experiences of my life and am very lucky to have been led to Gene. I would now love to attend one of his workshops." —PK "...Pure beauty, pure love — there are no words... Thank you so very much"—JM "...It was such a relief letting go of that stuff and so incredible how I did but didn't realize how much I was carrying around and what effect it was having on me. It is very amazing. So nice to breathe a sigh of relief. Gene is a miracle in my life. I truly want to learn to live in a state of joy and love and fully and finally learn to put aside any turning towards anger and pain. I am so blessed."—RL "...My skin was glowing in a way I haven't seen but most importantly is that I have been able to go back to that place I was in where I was very, very relaxed, going back to the blueprint of myself in Gene's healing room... This has been carried through my week and every time I go there I feel very, very grateful for all Gene has done and is doing to help me to heal."—LW "I want to share an experience I had at the doctor's office this morning. During the IVF process the patient has to have a daily blood test & ultra sound for 2 weeks to monitor follicle development & hormone levels. When I went this morning the ultra sound tech asked if the doctor changed my medication yesterday (he hadn't). The tech commented how much my follicles grew and how much better they looked from yesterday morning - she actually recounted the size as she said it's crazy! Apparently, once follicles begin to reach maturity they grow at a rate of 1-2mm per day and mine grew 3mm!!! I wish I had come to Gene sooner. I have been doing acupuncture (which is good for fertility) for 7 months and just after one session with Gene I saw such results. Gene is truly amazing!!! I am so glad I came to see him!!!" —KH "The Energy Healing session I received from Gene was extraordinary. He is a gentle, compassionate healer with a beautiful heart. I've been practicing yoga and meditation for many years and have never experienced such wonderful energy before. I came to the session with a lot of stuff and when I walked out I felt transformed. It was as though my whole being had been power washed and I felt sparklingly clean. I felt so uplifted and still do! My outlook on life is more positive and I've been feeling better about myself. One of my main issues addressed at the session was my work situation. I had been laid off several years ago and was looking for a new kind of meaningful work. My experience with Gene has given me the motivation and desire to look into Energy Healing as a profession. I can't say enough good things about Gene Krackehl. I'm just happy I found him. He truly is an authentic healer with a wonderful golden touch." —DS "My husband and I received wonderful news today — I'm pregnant! We’re both so excited!!! I want to thank Gene as I know all of his magical sessions truly helped make this possible. My egg quality, during my IVF, was excellent this time around. I came out of my anesthesia telling the nurses about Gene!" —KH "Well, once again you've beaten 'modern medicine.' I can't thank you enough for seeing me so last minute and I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for the way my body feels today. I am not in any physical pain for the first time in several weeks. You're amazing and this is not new news." —WM "I just want to tell you that my life has been improving in many ways since our session.... by leaps and bounds in some areas! It's only been a few months but it feels like a cork was pulled out that let our the fear and obstacles holding me back, while filling up with new life energy."—RN "I can't begin to tell you the amount of change that has already taken place for me. Gene is a truly gifted and loving person... Things continue little by little to change and my face hurts because I smile so much! I am forever indebted to Gene and his healing hands and he was right, we will forever be friends."—PR "Thank you so much for the healing. It is such a relief to let go of some of that stuff, and so incredible how I did but didn't really realize how much I was carrying around and what an effect it was having on me. It is very amazing. So nice to breathe a sigh of relief, You are a miracle in my life."—RL "I can personally attest to the fact that Gene's hugs are truly transformative."—CM "I love the everlasting benefit of Gene's continuous healing energy which encompasses my spiritual and intellectual being. It's wonderful to reap the benefits of happiness and peace within me which is not only lasting, but loving as well."—RA, Real Estate "...The change in me is a miracle..." —LD, Law Enforcement "Gene is so amazing! He helped put things in perspective and I have a clearer vision of what I should do." —JR "…due to spinal stenosis and neck injuries my doctors said that the numbness in my legs would never go away. My first session with Gene accomplished just that, much to their and my astonishment!"—RT "Since my session with Gene I sense the Universe speaking to me again after much time and I know that the amazing effects will continue to have a rippling affect on my life and those whose paths I cross. It has been most pleasing to find myself above the same old trigger points and buttons."—WM "Thank you for helping remove the barriers in my life!"—RD "I recently went to an amazing energy healer - Gene Krackehl. He cleared out all the energetic "gunk" I've carried for so long. As I worked on this piece and saw what emerged from my hands, I felt as if God was speaking through me. This may sound hokey — but I've heard that said of artists in general (I think it's in "The Artist's Way) and I felt blessed to feel that I had experienced that."—LB, Acclaimed Artist "I came to see Gene over the summer and he did a healing on me when I was trying to deal with my boyfriend and I breaking up. I am doing so much better. He said that I would find love by the end of the summer, and he was right! I met someone two days before summer ended and he is wonderful. I am so thankful for all Gene has done for me."—SZ "After Gene's distance healing, my Dad had his best night in many weeks. Incredibly, he has not needed any pain medication yet today. He ate a bialy and was able to talk to me on the phone! My Mom, who was quite skeptical, said that Dad is very comfortable, and calmer…" (3 days later) "Because my Dad has not needed narcotic pain pills, we have him "back" with us. He is able to share stories with us and has been saying goodbye to all my parent's friends and family who can now visit. Obviously, there are no words adequate to express our gratitude."—LS "I've been going to energy workers and psychics for the past 30 years but have never come across anyone like Gene Krackehl. He claims not to be a psychic but early on he told me things about myself that he couldn't possibly have known any other way. His hands were hotter than anything I've ever experienced and he soon unlocked and got rid of painful places deep inside of me that no one has ever reached before. He did so with skill, love and humor. I can honestly say that I have been totally blown away ever since our first session and plan to keep coming back. This is one experience that should be on everyone's 'bucket list.' Thank you, Gene!"—TG "I had the best start to my week and I want to share this with you. Gene Krackehl is an amazingly talented intuitive energy healer. He helps people with ailments emotional and/or physical and is absolutely the real deal!!"—LS "I just received my results today from last week's biopsy and I am happy to report it is NOT cancer... Thank you for your true words and healing energy which is how I was able to hang on for the last 2 months."—RA "So glad my [ten year old] son got to see you. He was so amazed about how he felt afterwards. He said, "I'm trying to feel nervous and I don't." He just couldn't believe he wasn't nervous anymore. And he had the BEST tryout for baseball last weekend! It was amazing!! Thank you, Gene! —SG, Mom "My sister-in-law was in a comatose state after suffering a heart attack, stroke, and seizures. She was unresponsive for more than three months with no expectation for recovery. The family was about to call in Hospice when a friend told me about Gene's long-distance healing. Shortly after he began sending her energy, she started to open her eyes and focus, then she began to respond to simple questions, now she is moving her arms and legs and speaking short sentences. Her progress has been slow but steady and we are hopeful that she will continue to recover." —ML "Thank you for the difference you have made in my life."—LC "Thank you for your time with me. I am feeling much more at ease. Your last session has proved invaluable. Bless you and keep performing miracles."—NW "Gene was amazing. He made me feel relaxed and over a week later, I still feel calm and rejuvenated. I should have seen him years ago." — SM, Personal Organizer "Gene is an incredibly gifted healer. I have had the opportunity to work with him twice now. The only word to describe the first session is 'epic'. I literally felt like I was traveling the universe and connecting with spirit and beings far beyond anything on this earthly plane. In the months after I noticed a considerable difference in the pain and discomfort that had plagued my elbow prior to the visit. Upon coming back for a second session I was equally amazed. This time I'd use two words, 'high voltage.' I literally could feel the energy traveling through my whole body as Gene worked with me for over an hour. Only a few days have since past, but I'm certain the changes will be equally as profound as transformative, if not more than my first visit."—WM, History Teacher Feeling amazing! Just had an Energy Healing with Gene Krackehl ....Everyone should do this...I have absolutely no stress, worry, anxiety, or fear in me and it's fantastic. Watch out World!! I've got my A-Game workin!! Thanks Gene!! —JT, Social Worker (taken from Facebook post) "Don't ever pass up the opportunity to experience Gene's healing, loving touch. The energy he channels is truly amazing and makes you feel like you are floating on a cloud — all worries and concerns become like wisps of vapor that are quickly dissolved by a refreshing, gentle breeze. Gene is a truly gifted healer and I highly recommend him to all!"—Nancy Lovell, Teacher "Your room created a whole new way of being for me!! Thank you for what you do! You provided a profound Healing to me that made me able to step into my leadership and accept my gifts of intuition!! I found that with your way of healing I was able to get over being so angry and fearfullllll and start to have love for myself. The biggest gift of all is the ability to be present to love cause love heals it all!!! U rock!"—RD "I wanted to share with you since my experience on Friday at the Saltana Cave, my life has been transformed! One of my intentions was to let go of the fear of failure. I'm a nursing student and I've been struggling so much this semester. I know I am meant to be a nurse but I found myself paralyzed with fear and self doubt every time I had to take an exam. I've been on the verge of failing one of my classes which means I would have to stay back. I let go of the fear on Friday, I left the fear at the cave. I took 5 exams this week. All of my grades were exceptional. I even surprised myself! So much so that my professor emailed me privately praising me for turning it around. I wholeheartedly believe it was all because of the energy work. Thank you! The timing couldn't have been more perfect! I now know I will succeed."—CT "Numb and exhausted to the bone…My father had passed away just hours earlier after a long illness… I wasn't sick. I was sad. I felt it in every cell of my body. And that is how I found myself at the home of Gene Krackehl, an experienced empath and energy healer in Katonah. During the healing session, I lay, fully clothed, on a massage table under a warm blanket. Krackehl [after removing energy blockages] told me he would then fill up the empty spaces with love, pure love. I said, pointing to my right hip, I think I have some arthritis... And later, when I heaved myself up off the table, I did feel a little lighter. The hip didn't cry out as it usually did."—Nancy McLoughlin, Bedford Magazine "Thank you, thank you Gene for an amazing healing this morning! I appreciate the love and new energy I received! Always awesome energy. My gratitude for your special craft. Words cannot express my Thank you, thank you."—KJ "Gene is the real deal — very powerful sessions — Thank you for your gift."—Robin Serna "...I have a three month follow-up appointment with my primary doctor next week for my cough/sinus infection and will tell him that the fifth round of antibiotics didn't work and that it was your distant healing that cleared it up...finally! ... Sending you special thanks for making me feel much much better!"—AM “My 26 year old son sustained a traumatic Brain injury as a result of a brutal assault in Boston. We were left to navigate health care systems while praying for my son's survival. Two years post injury I found the genie. Gene was able to feel my care givers stress and give me hope, peace and life purpose for both myself and my son. Amazing grace.” —Rosemary C. "I just wanted to share how much better I'm feeling. I feel happier! Happiness is a wonderful feeling!" —EA "Gene is an extraordinary human being and healer. He has great insights, is incredibly supportive, and generous of spirit. Just being with Gene is a healing experience — his skills and compassion are icing on the cake."—Anne Grabois-Davis, Healthcare Coach "Gene is a caring, vastly talented, compassionate energy healer."—Cheryl Aiello, Yoga Teacher "Gene has been a great, soothing and re-assuring presence in my life since we met him for the first time. He carries out his work with great certainty of his ability and true professionalism. I would recommend Gene to anyone who wanted to achieve any greater sense of peace, attunement and ease in their life."—Frank Nicholas Valbrio, Host/Writer “Gene is a life-long friend and a truly amazing energy healer that I would highly recommend. He's wonderful!” —Nancy Tuccillo “I just loved being in your presence. You don't even have to say or do anything to feel the healing love you emit. Your warmth and willingness to let everyone know they are healers is purely brilliant. So many people are stuck, holding on to a special gift, or knowledge, they don't share so as to be more special than others. But not you, you have figured that the more people on earth that bring love and healing to the world, the better the world will be. One healer at a time, until we reach critical mass! I so look forward to more time with you.”—Ellen Oster "Just wanted to tell you I did my first healing on someone yesterday, using your book as a guide. What an amazing experience!"—JS "I feel a lightness and a sense of pure joy that hasn't been with me for some time. Laughter is abundant too. I don't think this is a coincidence! Thank you so much for your time and healing energy"—C “I have to work with a woman on a daily basis as my job requires communication with her position. For unknown reasons she's always been spiteful and negative towards me to the point of others noticing it ... even during conference calls. Recently these negative vibes have heightened but I've learned to ignore them and move on to what really matters to me in life. Today was my first physical encounter with her since seeing you... guess what happened?!?! She came up to me after our meeting, hugged me and said "let me give you a hug. I know I'm rough with you sometimes."... Gene... this is truly a miracle... legit miracle.”—JS "Your lecture yesterday was so powerful... I hear a lot of spiritual teachers, ...you so far exceed them in the breadth of your wisdom and self effacement. It was brilliant, and I rarely use that word."— A Friend “My session with Gene was definitely one of the most transformational healing experiences of my life! Gene creates this very safe sacred space and I feel that through his incredible compassionate work, he is creating miracles every single day! I truly believe it is possible to heal on all levels of our being and Gene is definitely the best healer to assist you on your journey. Enjoy every moment!”—Gisele Mogan, Restorative Yoga Teacher “Thank you so much for beautiful [distance healling] session. It was amazing!!! I felt energy floating through my body and it felt awesome. I feel better today, with more energy and happier, peaceful mood I'm in. Hope it lasts forever! I'm so happy I've found your website and decided for a session.”—KM, Canada “I’ve been to visit Gene Krackehl twice now for healing after a painful break up with the man I loved. I had visited healers recommended by friends and by a well-regarded psychiatrist before for other matters, but was and am a skeptic about these things. The other healers didn't seem to have much to offer and so I thought going to Gene would be nice but "meh." I went any way because a friend of mine has benefitted from his work and I was curious. I suppose I thought that any healing that might take place would be a placebo-effect brought on by positive attention and by simple touch. After all, one of the hardest things about ending a love affair is sleeping alone again, and having no one to share your love with. I was surprised and astounded by the effect Gene's work had on me. I won't say it was easy; there was a release of pain in every chakra (I now know that chakras are real). I won't say it was permanent; the mind can return to unhealthy longing and grief easily after the shock of an ending. But I do say that it was powerful, that I felt better instantly each time, and that the positive effect has lasted longer upon the second visit. The well-being Gene brought about was fed by his kindness, of course, but he has energy in his hands that I could feel traversing my body where healing was needed, and a re-alignment of energy lead me to further insights into my grief on a visceral level. This is very different from insights from psychotherapy which are often mental insights at first. I left Gene feeling at ease each time, and these feelings were not just thoughts or intentions, but came from the body as they do when you are a little kid waking up happy, and playing with sunshine glancing off your fingers and eyelashes before you bound out of bed to enjoy a summer day. The feeling of well-being remains as does the resolve to put thoughts of the past aside, to go forward with a stronger body and a relieved heart, and with a better sense of how to protect myself from men who want love but will sabotage a genuine offer of love from a beautiful woman. I still cry at times, but it feels cleansing now. I don't know whether Gene's work can protect me from illness following grief, but I'll be back for a tune up in a month to find out! And I'll give Gene's contact info to my therapist.”—Susan M. NYC "Gene Krackehl truly IS an amazing healer. Gene's healing sessions have truly been a life altering and transformational experience for me. While years of therapy have helped me understand certain issues and traumas that have occured in my life on an intellectual level, the energy Gene channels created alterations and healing on the cellular level, literally transcending old imprints and traumas that have been lodged in my body. This is what I call healing from "the inside out" and its effect is profoundly helping me move forward in my life in a way that I was not able to before. I think that Gene links us in directly with Source and our guides. I have only the greatest respect and gratitude for this loving soul and his ceaseless dedication to this work." —PW, Grammar School Teacher "…I have not felt this relaxed in a long time. There is a calm that has descended since our session and I am very appreciative…"—SD “I’m from the UK & had two distance energy healing's off Gene & he helped me through a difficult period in my life & lifted me out of the deep depression I had been in. I would highly recommended him. He's a genuine lovely man & is interested in you as a person.” — Ms. J. Murdoch, UK "The distance healing you sent me was immediate and extremely effective. I'm so glad you were there for me., I had no clue what was going on with my system."—CJ "I wasn't sure I could be helped, thankfully, it appears, I was dead wrong. My daughter said, immediately after our phone healing, that I looked different...I was standing taller, not slouching. I was skeptical...pain and depression was becoming "the norm"...this was probably an illusion but I woke up the day after our phone healing and I felt a little lighter...I was still "heavy" but I recall my first thought wasn't "oh crap...another day." I got to work, which I wasn't looking forward to because of the negativity — I thought it would suck me back in, but it was sort of bouncing off me. I interviewed with a new employer today and they called me back within a few hours and hired me stating "my totally positive attitude" as one of the main reasons. I'm not ready to proclaim that I'm "fixed"...I'm stepping closer and closer to the me I remember. I'm closer to being me than I have been since October of last year and it's a great feeling. We will talk again, cars need tune-ups, I bet spirits do too. Simply...thank you."—GD "Thank you immensely for allowing me to feel trusted to cry, open up & fall into the net you provided for me. You were really there for me yesterday. I don't take that lightly. Just had to express my gratitude & acknowledge you were such a caring person to me when I needed you so badly, as a friend, advisor & healer."—A, Entrepreneur "I feel as though I have been given a new clarity and sense of purpose. My heart and head have been cleared. I am filled with love and gratitude for everything past and present. I have such a different attitude toward my life since last week's healing... All I can say is that I'm so glad that I held on to your brochure for the last decade."—MW "I felt spiritually led to Gene and his work, found his website amazinghealer.com and subsequently discovered he had written "You Are The Healer" and then journeyed to his home in Katonah, NY to experience this energy healing first hand. Firstly, I thought "You Are The Healer" was exceptionally well-written and contained all the elements of a good book: clear, straightforward with all-around good prose. What really impressed me about Gene's writing is how he introduced spiritual/metaphysical concepts that I have been reading about my entire life i.e. Chakras, Auras, etc. in a natural and easy to understand manner, as if he was talking about the weather. Secondly, I wanted to tie my energy healing session with Gene to this review. After all, what better support of what you will be reading than to relate to you my personal experience with this energy healing. I didn't seek this for any physical healing, per se, but more for its emotional, holistic benefit. Gene's good-natured warmth is immediately apparent and he is very supportive throughout the session. We began with a consultation for which was nice and relaxing and then I laid down on the table for two hours of wonderful, cathartic energy healing. Gene's hands became very hot and you can feel the heat even with his hands being a foot away or so. I felt a lot of energy moving within me throughout the session and Gene was able to intuitively pick up on my "issues" as he cleared me. Afterwards I felt lighter and very balanced and moved throughout the rest of my day with a quiet joy and serenity. This feeling was most pronounced the next few days and I have felt all these subtle shifts taking place deep within, since then. I am very pleased with gene's amazing healing gift."—R. Nodine |
“Gene helps you heal because he is full of love, which allows him to empathize and give you exactly what you need. I have achieved awesome business, health, and relationship breakthroughs after healing sessions with Gene, and as a healer myself, I highly recommend him to move you to the next level of your potential!” —Heather Hans, Psychotherapist & Author, Colorado
“My healing with Gene was truly a profound experience. In fact, it almost felt like an exorcism. He was able to help me eliminate feelings that were harming me and inhibiting my progress as a person. I have no idea how he does what he does, but he is truly gifted and shares that gift with the people he heals. It's ok to be skeptical...I was too. But please don't let that stop you from allowing Gene to help you. It would have been worth it for even a tenth of what I got out of it.”—JR, CEO "Best heart healer in the world! Thanks Gene, you are incredibly gifted!”—Wendy Lewis I am a psychotherapist who always was fascinated about Healing Energy. I was trained in Reiki but never practiced directly. I met several healers in NY, Toronto (CA) and Santa Fe. I respected each one’s Gift but did not go back until I met Gene in September 2018. I came out of my first session feeling all my senses were awakened, felt lighter and released from heavy feelings that had been dragging me down for several years. I had been in shock for 5 years, since the Hurricane Sandy, and my brake-up up from a long-term relationship. Even though I was functioning well at work and socially, I had stopped moving forward. I was still under PTSD even though I worked on those issues in therapy. I continued to see Gene for monthly Tune Ups and still do. Gene’s Energy has shifted the blocked Energy in my chakras (Fear, Anger and a broken Heart) and helped me to move on with my life and my goals as a Therapist and Healer. Gene helped me to be more aware of the Power of balancing our Energy to maintain Emotional and Physical Health. I found Gene very compassionate, empathetic with a generous heart and a good listener. He cares for each one of his clients. These qualities define him as a Powerful Healer and also as a therapist. I also had several Healing sessions addressing my medical issues. I’ve (had) a chronic illnesses which were very painful and debilitating. My Urologist put me on medications and told me there is no remedy for it. After Gene’s sessions the pain disappeared! I’m no longer taking the medications. I had severe Carpal Tunnel in my right hand to my shoulder which interfered with my work, as typing is a big part of it. One session with Gene and forgot I even had that pain. I have to remind myself I had that condition since as human beings we tend to remember PAIN and forget when it’s gone. I’m so grateful to you Gene for these Amazing Healings. I’m absolutely, completely convinced of Gene’s Gift after experiencing his Distance Healings. I work in a busy clinic with difficult and demanding cases. I often booked Healing Energy at distance with Gene. The results were just Astonishing! I did not need to know when Gene was sending me the Energy, I just knew it would be during the day and felt Gene’s Energy so strongly every time. It comes first in my mind and feel it through my body. I right away know it’s there and let it comes through me. I become more focused, feel more creative and coming up with Interventions and a sense of strong connection with my patients. I am more able to handle a long list of patients and give each one of them the attention they deserve. It made me understand that Healing Energy can be combined with Psychotherapy and bring tremendous results. Gene’s Distance Healing is as Effective and Powerful as his one to one Healing sessions. I wish as a Therapist every one of my patients could have a Healing Session with Gene to speed up and ease the process of Healing. Therapy can be painful and Healing sessions help to smooth the process. I believe that combining Therapy with Healing Energy can speed the process of Recovery. I do not hesitate to recommend Gene to my patients. I recommend strongly his books, especially “You Are the Healer” if you want to add a skill or become a Healer. “Learning to Fly” I could not put it down until last page: very inspiring and touching… the same with his CDs and his Guided meditation, very helpful personally and with my patients. I have learned in “You Are the Healer” we ALL can Heal ourselves and others. We just need to practice and to meet with Gene for training on becoming a Healer… Thank you Gene for what you do, you are TRULY Gifted and an Amazing Healer…Keep doing this great work, it’s so needed.—D, Psychotherapist/healer “When I met with Gene for a private session, I felt like there was an enormous magnet in the room. I was drawn to his energy and could not believe how powerful it is. It feels very calming and 'tingly.' After the session, I felt so relaxed and felt headed in the right direction. Ever since I had the session, I've been thinking very clearly and am much calmer. Last week I brought a friend to meet him in the [Breathe] Salt room and she also was so impressed with his techniques, music and how calm she felt.”—JO, Teacher “I can't thank you enough for your healing. I had such a sense of peace after our session and I felt so in harmony with the people around me (family, friends, even strangers). It's allowed me to reflect on my life and think more about the kind of energy I want to put into the world, which is such a gift... I have learned so much from you in such a short time and I wish I could find better words to express how grateful I am."—SB, Australia "I was referred to Gene through a family member who recognized that I was struggling to balance so many stresses in my life. This family member actually gave me a gift of a gift certificate to see Gene because she so rightly saw that I had been feeling “stuck” in so many ways in my life. I was starting to feel constantly overwhelmed, like I couldn’t breathe. I am a mother of 3 children who works in school districts as a therapist. It is a rewarding exhausting job that requires me to give of myself physically and emotionally. Even though I am a physical therapist and have access to many different professionals, and had actually been getting help for a long time through therapy and through different pharmacological interventions, these strategies just weren’t sufficiently bringing about any lasting sense of calm, control, or clarity. Although I have always been praised for my ability to help others, and recognized for my sweet, calm, and positive temperament, I have for years suffered from feeling unresolved anger, anxiety, unhappiness, restlessness, and emotional confusion on the inside. This imbalance between the inside and the outside creates a feeling of being unsteady all the time. I always felt that if I gave to others, and tried to see the good in things, that the positives would come back to me. But that sense of emptiness just wasn’t going away. It just stayed there. Like a big hole of sadness. Over the past 20 years, I have tried so many different “modalities” —both conventional and non-conventional--one might call them. These include: yoga, holistic nutrition, traditional exercise, talk therapy, anti-depressants, Reiki, Alexander Technique, and also reaching out to people who offer different kinds of support. But each of these techniques, while being valuable in their own way, always seemed to “fix” one ailing system but other systems would absorb the stress. My overall being just held in so much “stuff”, “baggage”, “trauma” that was just getting heavier and heavier and harder to lug around. Every person has events they go through and it is not so much the events but how they are processed that seems to determine how we feel about ourselves at any given moment: whether we anticipate the future with excitement or fear or worry or impatience. There are so many valuable lessons I have learned from talk therapy and with all the intellectual insights I gained, I still felt broken, sad, unresolved about many things in my life. When I think about how Gene has brought about such a transformation in my life, I immediately get tears in my eyes. I just cannot even put into words how my world has changed, but I will try. All the different systems that have been struggling to be aligned in my body and in my mind, have a path now. I have had two visits with Gene and cannot wait to see him for more. The first time was for 3+ hours, and he listened and I cried, and he healed so many broken jagged pieces that had been just laying there for decades like a ship wrecked at the bottom of the ocean. He, with his patience and his empathy, and his wisdom, helped me release and let go of all the things that were weighing me down. It was a physical and emotional and a spiritual release of so many pieces which had been weighing down my body and mind for so so long. I think part of the blessings of his gift is the way he answered all the questions which had been circling around in my head and my body for such a long time like junk in the atmosphere. He has an understanding of the heart and of the soul which allows him to just know things and feel things without my having even knowing how to express them. Part of the healing is his work on the chakras which is an absolutely amazing experience that heals and releases and aligns. He could feel the tightness and the tension and the traumas and just helped get them out and helped my body and mind realize that they don’t need them and then he replaced the energy with love and strength. At one point, he asked me if I had fallen down the stairs as a child. I said, “No, but I did fall off my bike as a teenager.” He said, “Oh, okay, I felt something there.” Then we continued with the treatment session. And he let me know that I would start to see and feel and hear things more intensely and differently, and he was right. I have. But then an astounding thing happened when I suddenly woke up at 2:30 a.m. that night. At that moment I remembered that my parents told me that when I was 3, I fell down a whole flight of stairs in our first home where we lived until I was almost 4. I just kept saying to myself, “oh my god. Oh my god. How did Gene know that when I didn’t even remember that that happened?” It was such a sense of comfort and confidence in knowing that my healing had begun. It was just washing over me and through me. There is not enough room here to go into all the details of this incredible relationship that I feel with Gene and how grateful I feel to him for helping me to heal. I must say that since then, I have since returned for a “tune-up” which was actually again such a truly generous gift from the same family member! This 2nd visit was a truly life-changing experience because Gene addressed a very specific area that was still making me feel stuck. He made such an astounding revelation that came about through the combination of our discussing the most important relationships in my life and him being able to feel where I was still stuck. Because he knew my “issues”, he made such an unprecedented insight into something very personal that I had never discussed with anyone before. It just blew my mind and it blows me away every single time I think about it. I am so glad that I went back for the 2nd time, and now I know that I will always continue to go and see Gene. He is an incredible, generous, wise, gifted empathic soul. Another thing he helped me realize is how my “big heart” as he calls it, absorbs so much of other people’s stuff, and all the things that we worked on in the first session were reinforced and made even clearer. I had been having some GI distress which is so significantly better since seeing him. On top of feeling better physically, there have been so many changes in my emotions, and this is something that continues to improve and evolve into a liberating journey, rather than the feelings of being a broken record of feeling stuck in so many areas of my life. I have taken chances in trying things I have wanted to do for years. I have seen things in my world begin to change because I have changed. And another very important thing has occurred: the intensity of my emotions is something I am so excited about, rather than being overwhelmed by. I feel like I can share and care and express myself to the people I love and tell them that I love them. Especially my children and the children I work with. The emotional freedom that I felt as a child is still inside me and has always been there. It just got buried along the way along with the fear that it was gone forever. I am so looking forward to seeing Gene again very soon. I hold his words so dear to my heart by reading his book all the time and I just found out that I can get some of his CD's so I can hear his reassuring voice when I feel those pangs of insecurity and doubt and confusion. I am so grateful to my wonderful family member who gave me the gift of this amazing, evolving, incredible and transformational connection. Thank you for reading this."—LA, Physical Therapist "The goodness, gentleness and effectiveness that I felt when I saw Gene Krackehl’s picture… was confirmed by my experience during my very first session with Gene. It was truly "amazing." I am calmer and more serene than I have ever felt and the pain in my back is gone. I have to learn more trust and deeper faith as a cancer patient because this dis-ease is so daunting. But I feel stronger and more confident than I have ever felt. I know I shall return for more "soulfood". I am also reading Gene’s book, which I find so clearly written and understandable—something rare in books I have tried to read on the same or similar subjects. Congratulations Gene!" —AK "Gene Krackehl's energy healing has had a profound affect on my life. It immediately left me with a terrific sense of physical and emotional well-being, then gradually helped me to open up to some wonderful realizations about my own self worth. After taking one of his workshops, I learned how to access my own healing talents and abilities and am embarking on my own healing path. Gene Krackehl is a wonderful, loving and genuine soul and really is an "amazing healer!" —DB, Counselor and Energy Healer "Thank YOU, Gene, for the wonderful healing session. The abundance of love and caring was truly amazing (to use your term). It was extraordinary and unlike anything I have encountered before. What I am observing now is the level of ease and calm I am feeling and how my body feels more "free." The ever-present level of worry and fear are gone and have been replaced by a sense of resting in place and feelings of comfort with what ever unfolds. Gene, you are truly a wonder to me."—DM, Spiritual Teacher "I was very depressed when I went to see Gene Krackehl. After our session I immediately felt lighter and more joyful. I feel more open and free than I have ever felt before. Gene created a space where I could not only receive unconditional love but give it as well..." —NK, Teacher "Gene is an exceptionally spiritually connected individual who draws on the energy of the cosmos to facilitate healing. You can actually feel the energy flowing as his hands float above you. The guided imagery Gene employs truly transports you to a higher plane. I have had numerous healing sessions with Gene over the last decade and I plan to keep returning for "tune-ups." I have learned so much from Gene and recommend him highly." —Lydia Landesberg "In one session with Gene Krackehl, I cleared old issues and emotions that I had been struggling with for years. The immediate feeling was euphoric; the lasting effect has been phenomenal. Positive changes continue to roll in and my energy increases daily on both a physical and spiritual level as old "blocks" continue to drop away. Gene virtually radiates love, warmth and safety — a rare and powerful combination that allows the deepest healing to occur. I recommend Gene highly and without reservation to those seeking a loving, transformative experience." –CS, Hypnotherapist "Gene Krackehl is a truly gifted healer! His calm and peaceful presence made me feel very relaxed and comfortable. I felt great after the healing, and continue to notice positive changes in my attitude and being a month after the healing. I am amazed!" —GH, Teacher "Gene Krackehl's healing abilities go far beyond just touch. I feel as though Gene can sense my energy, and re-arrange its direction to heal and protect my body and soul." —LT, Advertising Executive "Gene has been extremely helpful in helping me push through some difficult life issues. His presence and work with me has been extremely beneficial, as well as a compliment to my personal therapy. I am extremely grateful to Gene for his time and love.” —KP "...the funny thing is ever since our healing last week weird things are happening. For instance right before my phone rings I know it's about to ring..." —JL, Student "I have been fighting severe tendonitis in both my elbows for a year. Going to physical therapy 3 times a week on an off for a year. Icing them almost every day... nothing was helping. I thought I was going to suffer from this for the rest of my life. About two weeks ago I saw GENE! I'm so happy that today my elbows are 99.9% pain free and I know they are getting better. I even started using light weights during my workouts at the gym. I know Gene's touch made the difference." —JG "I have worked with other energy healers over the last couple of years. Gene was the "icing on the cake". Since our session I feel like a completely different person mentally, physically and emotionally! I can think more clearly and with intention, I feel present, my energy level has increased, and blocks that were holding me back are now gone. Negative emotions no longer control me. I have been able to tap into my own energy with ease; before it was quite the process. Gene has the most beautiful spirit and energy about him. I felt very safe, almost protected, during our distance healing session. As I continue this journey of life I look forward to working with him again."—CG, Indiana "I just want to tell you that my life has been improving in many ways since our session... by leaps and bounds in some areas! It's only been a few months but it feels like a cork was pulled out that let out the fear and obstacles holding me back, while filling my consciousness with love."—M "Gene Krackehl is a truly gifted healer whose very loving and compassionate nature shines through his work. I could feel the energy streaming out of him even before he started, when he was simply waving his hands around to make a point when we first met. The healing session began with Gene scanning my chakras and organs to see where there were blockages and he was "right on" with his assessment. The two hour session involved a relaxing guided meditation, some gentle touch at meridian points in arms and legs to get the energy moving, then clearing and recharging the 7 major chakras. Gene spent a great deal of time removing fear, anger, and heartbreak utilizing some special techniques he developed. I was very aware of the heaviness lifting out of me. At the same time Gene pumped in mega-watts of energy to recharge my chakras. When I got home that night and was ready to fall asleep, I could see a beautiful kaleidoscope of brilliant colors swirling around when I closed my eyes so I know it worked. I'm looking forward to taking his series of Energy Healing classes so I can learn how to channel healing energy from a Master." —KR, Management Consultant "...a truly transforming experience. In addition to feeling balanced both physically and emotionally, Gene Krackehl's words of wisdom resonated with me for several weeks after my session." —LG, Marketing Consultant "After my session with Gene Krackehl I felt open to making the changes in my life that had previously paralyzed me into inaction. Not only did I implement a plan but I was finally able to succeed." —BC, Office Manager "Gene is truly an AMAZING healer. He helped me release years of fears, doubts and worries that were weighing me down and not letting me reach my highest good. In my whole entire life of 50 years I've never felt better and happier and more aligned with the Divine. I can't thank him enough for giving me a new life. I can see clearly now and am feeling blessed and grateful. May the divine forever protect his beautiful gift"—AF "I feel great! A great weight has been lifted from my shoulders and my heart."—KJ, Life Coach "I had to share this with you. Docs are cautiously hopeful regarding my father. They are hoping he'll make a full recovery without needing the implantable device for his heart. I can only assume it's through your help and healing energy. Thank you so very much."—T "Gene has the most gentle, calming and loving presence, just being in the same room with him is a healing experience..."—SW "I wanted to express my gratitude for having met you and for the experience of your soul's heart and hands. I felt quite wonderful after our session, lighter, more playful and easy."—HA, Healer "My monthly visits to Gene over the past several years have helped tremendously to manage my anxieties and to achieve all of my personal and professional goals. I have so much gratitude for all that he's contributed to my life."—SB, Singer "Your healing has worked! I may come back for more soon, but I drove to the lake with no vertigo yesterday! Bless you, Gene!" —SR "Your last presentation in Newtown was an amazing healing opportunity for so many us! I must tell you, when we were saying our Goodbyes, that day, you rubbed my back where it was hurting, because you just knew and I have felt only light there since. My prayer is that many people come on the 19th to be present in your Amazing healing energy. Much love and gratitude," —SW “My life has been so much better because of you! A great big thank you! Love you!” —PR “I was was amazed that the pain in my back and leg are gone and that you found them without me even telling you. I had that pain at least a year.”—SV A Few Comments About Gene's Workshops and Group Healing Sessions "During these difficult economic times, people seem to be looking for more ways to take better care of themselves... to learn how to more effectively manage stress, fear and anxiety. Gene's courses, which regularly reach maximum enrollment, provide an opportunity for people to learn to 'heal themselves' by using their own energy based on the chakra system. ...more and more attention has been given to the success of alternative methods of wellness and the acceptance of the validity of these methods has increased; thus, more people are interested in learning about these topics and how to apply them to their own lives. Gene is a very real person; his sincere caring for others comes through in all his interactions. Students find Gene very engaging and passionate about healing. His wealth of experience and knowledge is shared in a very easy-to-understand and relevant manner for each student. He is a true 'healer.'"— Sarah Fowler-Rogers, Director of Community Services, WCC "Wonderful, insightful, illuminating and powerful. These are words from my heart, after completing " Energy Healing" Levels 1 through 6 with Gene Krackehl at WCC. I can no longer doubt what can happen with guidance and an extra ordinary teacher. The combination of professional training and experience made a perfect match and together gave new insights that led to a better understanding of energy healing. I have used the techniques and they work. I highly recommend this course to nurses and other health care professionals." –JM, RN MSN, MSOL (PH.D candidate) "Since attending Gene's Krackehl Healing Workshop I've felt far more confident about my own abilities to heal others and have also experienced an increased sense of tranquility and purpose in all of my life's activities. Several family members and co-workers have noticed the difference and have commented on it. No one else's workshops have ever done this for me and I've attended many in the past. Gene is a truly amazing teacher!" —JE, Manager "I really enjoyed the workshop yesterday, and felt lucky to spend the day with the other ladies. I got so much from the time we had. I feel it woke something up inside of me. My husband, the non-believer, allowed me to try it on him and he was left puzzled with many emotions. My seven year old son who watched what I did to Daddy wanted me to try it on him and I was really amazed at what he came up with. I am still trying to figure out how he was seeing colors and stuff. He lit up like a light bulb after we were done. If I ever need to think of a moment to feel love, this will be one of them. Thank you! I owe that special moment to you. I am on a cloud!" —NT, Social Worker "I thought it was quite beautiful to see how every person in the group was visibly transformed from the time of beginning the class to last night. People who seemed to never smile were now open, unburdened, glowing… I know how Gene feels that any one can be a healer but his gifts are extraordinary, his being so pure and full of love…" —DF, Therapist "Gene came to teach a class at my shop, Seasons in the Sun, after he'd been recommended by a friend. I was impressed with his personable and cooperative manner, his excellent teaching, and the way the class immediately took to him (and retained what he taught about energy healing). Gene comes to his classes ready-to-work, and really believes that he has a vested interest in whether the client and/or student "gets it." Gene IS an "Amazing Healer," and he encourages everyone that WE can be, too." —PS, New Age Shop Owner "I recently attended Gene's workshop on Energy Healing for Beginners. Gene Krackehl's healing gifts, combined with his expertise in the area and a wonderful sense of humor, provided an extremely rewarding experience. I learned a great deal about the subject of energy healing and techniques used in hands-on healing, as well as insight into my own energies and how those energies affect others. You will surely leave the workshop with a great sense of joy and happiness! Thank you Gene!" —SC, Planning & Development "Gene Krackehl is a warm hearted spirit. I learned how to relax and enjoy both MYSELF and a total stranger. He's sensitive and invigorating at the same time. I want more..." —JS, Hospital Technician "I attended Gene Krackehl's class for healing and I learned how to use energy to clear physical & emotional issues. His explanations were easy to understand and he exudes love and light." —RM, Strategist "There are no words to express the joy and gratitude I feel for being able to attend your workshop last Saturday. I left with such a feeling of hope and a smile I couldn't get off my face."–JM "I feel a sense of peace in my daily life that I have never felt before." —TW, Organization President "I was moved by Gene Krackehl's unconditional love for all human beings, his knowledge of energy healing and his "hot" hands. His exercises are fun and informative—healing definitely takes place." —SK, Retired Educator "Gene Krackehl's classes are very informative, fascinating, and fun. The exercises he gives his students to do help us understand his teachings. The hands on experiences give students a sense of what being a healer is like. Gene is here to facilitate, assist, and most importantly to give encouragement. I found the experience quite worthwhile." —GH, Teacher "The workshop was extremely enjoyable. The energy produced by those present felt like another healing. After the workshop I felt a sense of euphoria that continues to permeate my life. When outside forces set me somewhat off kilter (as they sometimes/often do), I find it remarkably easy to recreate that same sense of well-being by grounding myself and letting that neverending source re-energize me." —CM, Teacher "I took Gene Krackehl's workshop over two months ago and that one day experience has completely changed the way I view my life and has made me realize the important role I play in the lives of everyone around me. Simply by learning to run energy I've accomplished more results with my family, friends and co-workers than I had ever thought possible, and there was so much more! Gene is a marvelous teacher and has given an enormous gift to everyone in our class." —FL, Sales Representative "I entered the Energy Healing class with Gene not knowing if I could be a healer and by the end of the class Gene had me feeling confident and gave me all the tools I needed to do a complete healing session." —BB, Court Reporter "...I've been doing an Energy Healing on myself every night and I did all of these chores without even a sore muscle. At my age, that is a miracle! I can't believe that I just finished with your last class! I now have done 126 Healings in 4 countries. What a journey..."—BT "Thank you for supporting Hudson Valley Hospital Center's 4th Annual Women's Health Symposium. Your presentation was very well received by the over 200 women in attendance. You touched a lot of hearts and brought a few tears of emotion. Comments on our evaluation sheets recognized your lecture as the best one of the day. I think that, in these awful days and times, we all needed someone to remind us of the power of love. Thanks Gene." —AR, Health Promotion Director "I have been trying to think of a way to thank you enough for the love and support you gave me during our classes. I feel privileged to have met you, such a blessed soul. I met so many loving people in your class that it only reinforces in me that there is so much love to be shared and there are loving people in this world who are looking to connect with "All That Is." I know that you have met many important and highly evolved people in your work but know that this little spirit (me) will always be a "light" of love here on earth and above who again feels privileged to know you."—FS "Gene, I absolutely love your energy and the energy of your healing room! It was an indescribable feeling to be there... just beautiful. I hope I can someday turn my spare room into my own healing space and create such a sense of warmth and peace and serenity and beauty and pure love... and share that with all who enter the space. I hope I may someday touch others' lives the way you have touched so many with your hands, your heart and your loving spirit. You give me a sense of hope."—SQ, WCC student "For the first time in my life, I was aware of my conscious joy as I engaged, eye to eye, soul to soul, with whomever I spoke. The interaction transmuted the old "stuff". I am releasing much pain too. Thank you again."—C, WCC student “Gene has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined...he helps you to unlock the mystery of your potential with gentle guidance, unfaltering support, and unconditional love...he is truly a Master teacher and healer…”—D "Loved the class! May want to repeat it."—GF, Retired IBM "Gene's recording [Soundtrack Gene produced for his group healings at Saltana Cave] is brilliant and full of wisdom. All the words and the music are so resonant that one cannot help but feel lifted and healed. And there is much love expressed in his voice. He gives freely from his heart to everyone present. Gene is a gifted healer." —Deanne Mincer, author The 52: Discovering the True You in 52 Simple Lessons; co-creator of the CD, "Divine Love: A Unique Yoga Nidra Experience "It is not often that I have the opportunity to study with a real Master but I did that recently and was astounded by Gene's humility and vulnerability which he shared with the class in a humorous way. Every time he entered the room I could tangibly feel his presence, something that I have never experienced with anyone else. He spoke to each of us like a personal friend and not in an aloof manner like most new age gurus. With every class, I took away insightful knowledge but more importantly a sense of self-confidence which he instilled in each of us. He repeatedly reminded us "there isn't anything that I can do that you can't" and he was right."—HS "FashionEdits had the opportunity to participate in a group energy healing workshop with Gene Krackehl at Breathe,... Krackehl exhibits a warm and inviting aura... One man in the session had a very powerful experience, leaving with a sense of renewal and was beaming with an infectious smile." —SK "Giving thanks through prayer is so powerful. This morning, I lit a candle for my friend and healer Gene Krackehl, who unblocked my heart which has eased my path to knowing love and God. His gift was very powerful and has continued to expand over time."—LS (taken from Facebook post) "I attended your salt cave group healing and feel nenewed! Will carry it with me!"—S. Shear, MD “The Amazing Healer indeed! As a martial artist and a Christian mystic in quest of Nirvana or Perfection on this Earthly Kingdom, I am humbled by the experience I had with Mr. Gene on Friday, October 7th during a "Breathe" healing group session. The heat that I felt then on my feet, my back, my arms is continuing in affect two days later in feeling throughout my body. A testament to the healing grace and power that one, Mr. Gene, can channel to others with deliberate intentions for wholeness. I am blessed indeed for this encounter and experience…” —EJ “I really enjoyed the class and was so sorry it had to end! I’m glad I took some notes so I can review when I need and your book is also a good reminder. I’m also appreciating the CD of guided meditations and am listening to them on a regular basis. The last session, when you took us through the group healing, I could feel the heat/love/energy coming through your hands as they touched the top of my head and heart. After the class, I felt relaxed, loved and supported and had positive feelings for the future… many possibilities. What other incredible cure, for ourselves and others, than to learn how to feel love and send love unconditionally. I truly thank you for being that example and showing us the way.”—PP "Had the Best time Friday night. Thank you, Gene!" —Sophie Bein Sabat (taken from Facebook Post) "You sir...are the real deal."—JA “The opportunity to take Gene’s Healer’s Workshop was a blessing. Gene taught us how to use what we already have within us to heal ourselves. We learned that we all have the ability to tap into our inner strength and power. With hands-on we experienced the energy that flows through our bodies, and we learned how to remove whatever might be blocking that energy flow. I was amazed when he shared that we can heal others from a distance! Gene is a very passionate, gentle spirit who is full of wisdom and insights! His sense of humor and his compassion connected to all of us in the group!”--Eirini Metaxas "Thank you for an amazing experience (during our group healing). You helped me tremendously. I could feel the effects of it today at work. All of a sudden things were flowing and making sense. I wasn't overwhelmed and instead responded with love vs. fear. I felt inner light, peace and power."—M “Gene is a great healer! I have been attending his group healings at The Breathe Salt Room in Katonah. They are always a treat. I love the healing soundtrack he has composed that plays along in the background. It helps me relax and to ascend to a higher level of consciousness during the healing work he does. I always leave feeling more connected to myself on a deeper level and with more energy. Most importantly, Gene is a really nice person with a great sense of humor!”—Darren Marc, Reiki Master, celebrated musician, spirit guide channel, and author “Just wanted to thank you for the healing! I have been released from my hurt and anger and it feels amazing❤️God bless you!"—SF (taken from Facebook post) "Gene is the real deal! ...and his guided soundtrack [A Mystical Journey] is a conduit to the divine. He has been blessed with tremendous gifts and I am grateful to have found him!"—Eileen Heske “Congrats on another spin around the sun, Gene. In reading through the many expressions of love to commemorate your birthday, it occurs to me that those expressions of the love you exude so naturally and generously every day to those in your life. What a beautiful gift exchange, for all these years, my friend. Huge gratitude to you!"—PE A Few Responses on Gene's Monday Morning Messages: "I really wanted you to know how much I so look forward to your Monday Morning Messages. I literally listen for the notification if I'm awake or check my mail in hope it will be there to greet me when I do wake."—BB "I truly LOVE your Monday Morning Messages and read and forward just about all of them to those I know who can use your inspirational words. Thank you Gene, for the wonderful, profound and effective emails."—JT "Today's Monday Morning Message was very poignant and relevant. Beautifully said!"— J "Oh Gene... I'm so grateful for your uplifting messages every Monday. Even when I scroll through my email list, and spot yours, I feel your energy sending that quick reminder: All is Well. You're an inspiration." —M "Again your Monday Morning Message was and is very timely... Thanksto you I am now ready to acknowledge that awareness of who I am. The awareness to the illusions of thoughts and beliefs. Thank you for getting me to this place where I am waking up to the awareness consciousness."—L "Gene, thanks so much for this message. I needed it so much."—G "Your Monday Morning Message really resonates with me this morning. I will carry this feeling with me thoughout my days."—C "I have to tell you that your messages on Monday morning are amazing. It's seems that whenever I open your mail on Monday morning, like today, you always have the right words of wisdom for me, it's like you know I need them to get me through the day. Thank you. I appreciate your words and kindness more than I can say. Have a wonderful day."—AC "I've grown to rely on your Monday Morning Messages to start each week with positive emotions. Thanks as always. XXXOOO's"—N "I receive your weekly Monday Morning Messages and absolutely love them! It's a heart warming feeling when I open my inbox mail and see messages that are of importance regarding the well being of the mind, body, soul and spirit. Thank you for your inspiring and encouraging words!"—SS “It is amazing how you speak to my heart every Monday morning! Sometimes your messages are stunning in their clarity, comfort and encouragement to accept the occasionally painful manifestations of our humanity. Other times they are a gentle call to action; a reminder of how our compassion, and our ability to give and accept unconditional love can heal. You are a blessing in my life.”—T “With the plethora of emails that get dumped into my in box each day, it's usually a chore to read my messages. An exception to this is Gene's Monday Morning Messages. It's a pleasure to click on his email and receive the spiritual nourishment contained in each of his Monday Morning nuggets. There have been some real gems which end up in my journal for safekeeping for the day that I may come back to read for inspiration. Thank you Gene for these little gifts of wisdom from your heart!"—RN |