Learning to Fly (Gene's Newest Book!)

An insightful choice for your next book club!
An inspiring book revealing the secrets of life, written to be left for the author’s grandchildren -- (realizing that he may not be here when they're fully ready to comprehend this)
and anyone else who wants to feel uplifted, enlightened, inspired and empowered.
The practical information within is meant to elevate the spirit, to celebrate life and love, and bring meaning to our brief human existence in a very down-to-earth manner.
(6x9, 133 pages)
• Help in answering the question: Why are you here?
• What's holding you down?
• Preparing your own flight plan
• Over 20 Meditations & Exercises to free yourself
• 140 ways to soar higher!
• Includes releasing fear, anger & heartbreak
• The anatomy of forgiveness
• Reincarnation
• The many variations of love
• Time travel
• Soul mates
• Loving yourself
• Becoming one with nature
• Developing your intuition
• Near death experiences
• Lucid dreaming
• Expanding gratitude and lots more...
Click Here to Read Sample Pages or to Order the Print (or Kindle) Version on Amazon.com
Here are a few early five-star reviews on Amazon:
“What a ride! Gene has succeeded in writing a book that provides accessible and time tested methods for "learning to fly." I have known Gene for many years and am always touched by his sincerity, lightness, an authentic energy of caring, his depth of knowledge and his abilities as a healer Oh, and did I mention his great sense of humor? Gene has incorporated all of this into this, his most recent book. While he writes with a light touch, do not be mistaken. There is profound wisdom in every section. He has made the spiritual journey an adventure and fun. You will learn much from Learning to Fly. Gene is a great "pilot." Buy this book and get ready to take off.”
—Deanne Mincer
“Gene has spent the better of his adult life learning to SEE and fly. I first encountered Gene as an intuitive energy healer; my session with him set me on a life transforming journey. In "Learning to Fly", he shares his many insights accumulated through years of light work. This book is the perfect accompaniment and touchpoint for your personal spiritual journey.”—Elizabeth Simon
“Learning to Fly” is my absolute favorite out of Gene Krackehl’s books! He’s a true leader in the world of healing. He’s humble, kind, empathic, spiritual and human all at the same time. He’s a dear friend and I can honestly say that I can be objective in reviewing his latest creation. He has also worked on me during times of distress and I have come out feeling lighter, freer, and yes, like I could “Fly!” I highly recommend this book to the laymen/woman, the healer, the artist, the soul seeker, the religious leader, or the teacher. It has a gift for everyone. My favorite chapter is Chapter 8 entitled “Liftoff!” This chapter alone has over 140 coping skills that are for everyone! So, well done Gene. I’m proud to be your colleague and friend!”—Pamela Tinkham, LCSW, C-IAYT, SEP Author of Healing Trauma from the Inside Out: Practices from the East and West
Beautiful and Heart Warming! Bon Voyage!
"Gene’s latest book, “Learning to Fly” is an incredible testimony to his brilliant abilities as a healer, spiritual master, and author. Gene has taken the beauty of his invaluable life(s) experience and bestowed upon us a true compilation of understanding, inspiration, and wisdom. As a student of Gene’s, my life was transformed, and with his ever-encouraging support and friendship, I now live a life filled with unconditional love!! This book brings complicated topics right to our conscious and applicable levels, and I especially loved the exercises that Gene has included, as ways of immediately being able to access the truth which he describes...Thank you, Gene, for everything!!"
The best reading ever and an opportunity to really sit back...
"Gene's book is fabulous! The best reading ever and an opportunity to really sit back and look at where you are and how to eliminate that which no longer serves us! His writing is down to earth and makes so much sense"— Amazon Customer
Uplifting and Heartwarming!
“This book is an easy and enjoyable read, and I find myself using it for reference too. Whenever life hands me a challenging situation, I can use this book as a source of inspiration, courage and comfort. Although it was initially written for his grandchildren, I am grateful Gene chose to share it with all of us!! Thank you for sharing your insights, knowledge, light and love!”—Amazon mom
“What a great book! Everything about this book made me smile. I love it and this is definitely something I will share with family and friends.”—I
Facebook Posts
“Interested in MEDITATING? Do you want help RELEASING fear and anger? Curious as to WHY you’re here, or HOW to move past what’s holding you down? Check out Gene’s latest book, “Learning to Fly." I’ve personally worked with Gene and find him to be an authentic, talented, and compassionate healer with so much love and wisdom , all of which he uses to help others. I’m positive his latest book will be well worth the read. Check it out!”—Ashleigh Saponare
“I have never met a healer like this in my lifetime! Have know him for almost 20 years, he is the real deal and I completely endorse him!”—Jaye Arrigenna
“A wonderful book by my dear friend Gene Krackehl. I urge everyone to not only read the book, but also take advantage of one of the best local treasures in Westchester and go pay him a visit!”
—Nancy Tuccillo
“The amazing healer Gene Krackehl just released a new book! How exciting is that?!!! His classes are incredible, his past life regressions are phenomenal and I can’t wait to read his new book!”
—Natalie Barbee
“I met Gene years ago and can say that he is one of the most positive and inspiring men I know. I'm sure this book will be an inspiration to all who read it.....a must for our new world view!”
—Sue Arent
“Please check out my friend's new book. He is an incredible healer and I feel privileged to have worked with him.”—Jennifer Wisnew
“I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Gene Krackehl many moons ago at a time in my life when I needed uplifting and healing energy. He's witty, relatable and just a lovely human. Period. If you're already on the path to healing or looking for a little something to get you started...consider giving this book a try. I love that Amazon lets you preview a few pages so you can see what I'm talking about!”—Cate Maher
“Congratulations to our dear friend of many talents, healer, author and composer; Gene Krackehl. No one can be more excited for his success than Universal Healing Arts and I'm sure all of you can not wait to get his book. Wether through his music, books, or healing sessions, Gene brings us all much closer to the continuing elevation of our spirits.”—Shima Chayvet
“Gene is a wise healer. His love and guidance are a treasure! Purchase his most recent book! You'll be happy you did!”—Pamela Sekula
“I’ve been reading Gene's Monday Morning Messages since I met him many years ago at an amazing energy reading. This guy's got it going on and now, here's an announcement for his newest book. Enjoy and pass it on. Keep it up Gene Krackehl!”—Meg Reilly
An inspiring book revealing the secrets of life, written to be left for the author’s grandchildren -- (realizing that he may not be here when they're fully ready to comprehend this)
and anyone else who wants to feel uplifted, enlightened, inspired and empowered.
The practical information within is meant to elevate the spirit, to celebrate life and love, and bring meaning to our brief human existence in a very down-to-earth manner.
(6x9, 133 pages)
• Help in answering the question: Why are you here?
• What's holding you down?
• Preparing your own flight plan
• Over 20 Meditations & Exercises to free yourself
• 140 ways to soar higher!
• Includes releasing fear, anger & heartbreak
• The anatomy of forgiveness
• Reincarnation
• The many variations of love
• Time travel
• Soul mates
• Loving yourself
• Becoming one with nature
• Developing your intuition
• Near death experiences
• Lucid dreaming
• Expanding gratitude and lots more...
Click Here to Read Sample Pages or to Order the Print (or Kindle) Version on Amazon.com
Here are a few early five-star reviews on Amazon:
“What a ride! Gene has succeeded in writing a book that provides accessible and time tested methods for "learning to fly." I have known Gene for many years and am always touched by his sincerity, lightness, an authentic energy of caring, his depth of knowledge and his abilities as a healer Oh, and did I mention his great sense of humor? Gene has incorporated all of this into this, his most recent book. While he writes with a light touch, do not be mistaken. There is profound wisdom in every section. He has made the spiritual journey an adventure and fun. You will learn much from Learning to Fly. Gene is a great "pilot." Buy this book and get ready to take off.”
—Deanne Mincer
“Gene has spent the better of his adult life learning to SEE and fly. I first encountered Gene as an intuitive energy healer; my session with him set me on a life transforming journey. In "Learning to Fly", he shares his many insights accumulated through years of light work. This book is the perfect accompaniment and touchpoint for your personal spiritual journey.”—Elizabeth Simon
“Learning to Fly” is my absolute favorite out of Gene Krackehl’s books! He’s a true leader in the world of healing. He’s humble, kind, empathic, spiritual and human all at the same time. He’s a dear friend and I can honestly say that I can be objective in reviewing his latest creation. He has also worked on me during times of distress and I have come out feeling lighter, freer, and yes, like I could “Fly!” I highly recommend this book to the laymen/woman, the healer, the artist, the soul seeker, the religious leader, or the teacher. It has a gift for everyone. My favorite chapter is Chapter 8 entitled “Liftoff!” This chapter alone has over 140 coping skills that are for everyone! So, well done Gene. I’m proud to be your colleague and friend!”—Pamela Tinkham, LCSW, C-IAYT, SEP Author of Healing Trauma from the Inside Out: Practices from the East and West
Beautiful and Heart Warming! Bon Voyage!
"Gene’s latest book, “Learning to Fly” is an incredible testimony to his brilliant abilities as a healer, spiritual master, and author. Gene has taken the beauty of his invaluable life(s) experience and bestowed upon us a true compilation of understanding, inspiration, and wisdom. As a student of Gene’s, my life was transformed, and with his ever-encouraging support and friendship, I now live a life filled with unconditional love!! This book brings complicated topics right to our conscious and applicable levels, and I especially loved the exercises that Gene has included, as ways of immediately being able to access the truth which he describes...Thank you, Gene, for everything!!"
The best reading ever and an opportunity to really sit back...
"Gene's book is fabulous! The best reading ever and an opportunity to really sit back and look at where you are and how to eliminate that which no longer serves us! His writing is down to earth and makes so much sense"— Amazon Customer
Uplifting and Heartwarming!
“This book is an easy and enjoyable read, and I find myself using it for reference too. Whenever life hands me a challenging situation, I can use this book as a source of inspiration, courage and comfort. Although it was initially written for his grandchildren, I am grateful Gene chose to share it with all of us!! Thank you for sharing your insights, knowledge, light and love!”—Amazon mom
“What a great book! Everything about this book made me smile. I love it and this is definitely something I will share with family and friends.”—I
Facebook Posts
“Interested in MEDITATING? Do you want help RELEASING fear and anger? Curious as to WHY you’re here, or HOW to move past what’s holding you down? Check out Gene’s latest book, “Learning to Fly." I’ve personally worked with Gene and find him to be an authentic, talented, and compassionate healer with so much love and wisdom , all of which he uses to help others. I’m positive his latest book will be well worth the read. Check it out!”—Ashleigh Saponare
“I have never met a healer like this in my lifetime! Have know him for almost 20 years, he is the real deal and I completely endorse him!”—Jaye Arrigenna
“A wonderful book by my dear friend Gene Krackehl. I urge everyone to not only read the book, but also take advantage of one of the best local treasures in Westchester and go pay him a visit!”
—Nancy Tuccillo
“The amazing healer Gene Krackehl just released a new book! How exciting is that?!!! His classes are incredible, his past life regressions are phenomenal and I can’t wait to read his new book!”
—Natalie Barbee
“I met Gene years ago and can say that he is one of the most positive and inspiring men I know. I'm sure this book will be an inspiration to all who read it.....a must for our new world view!”
—Sue Arent
“Please check out my friend's new book. He is an incredible healer and I feel privileged to have worked with him.”—Jennifer Wisnew
“I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Gene Krackehl many moons ago at a time in my life when I needed uplifting and healing energy. He's witty, relatable and just a lovely human. Period. If you're already on the path to healing or looking for a little something to get you started...consider giving this book a try. I love that Amazon lets you preview a few pages so you can see what I'm talking about!”—Cate Maher
“Congratulations to our dear friend of many talents, healer, author and composer; Gene Krackehl. No one can be more excited for his success than Universal Healing Arts and I'm sure all of you can not wait to get his book. Wether through his music, books, or healing sessions, Gene brings us all much closer to the continuing elevation of our spirits.”—Shima Chayvet
“Gene is a wise healer. His love and guidance are a treasure! Purchase his most recent book! You'll be happy you did!”—Pamela Sekula
“I’ve been reading Gene's Monday Morning Messages since I met him many years ago at an amazing energy reading. This guy's got it going on and now, here's an announcement for his newest book. Enjoy and pass it on. Keep it up Gene Krackehl!”—Meg Reilly